[Abstract]:With the development of embedded technology, video compression technology and wireless transmission technology, wireless video surveillance system has become a trend in the field of video surveillance. This paper studies and designs an embedded wireless video surveillance system based on ARM11. In this system, the embedded platform based on S3C6410 processor is used as the server to collect, compress and transmit video from PC or other embedded devices as the client to receive, decode and display the monitored video. This paper first introduces the related technologies used in the system, and then designs and gives the overall design scheme of the system based on the C / S structure. On this basis, the selection and construction of the hardware platform of the system is completed, and the construction of the embedded software development environment is described in detail. After that, the design and implementation of the application layer software on the server and client side of the system are analyzed and introduced. The application layer software of the system is written based on the Qt application development framework, which has a good cross-platform character. The multithread technology is adopted to improve the concurrency of the system. At the same time, the data exchange between threads is completed through a ring buffer. The server adopts the V4L2 of Linux to complete the video data acquisition and realizes the function of local echo. In the aspect of video coding, the video data is compressed based on H.264 standard by the MFC of S3C6410. Video transmission is based on the RTP/RTCP protocol JRTPLIB library to achieve. The client uses JRTPLIB library to receive the data, decode the data by FFMPEG, and display the decoded video. The communication between the server and the client is based on wireless network. After testing, the system basically reached the expected design goal. Finally, the shortcomings of the system are pointed out, and suggestions for improvement are given.
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