[Abstract]:Inkjet printing technology, as a rapid development of high quality image output technology, plays an important role in the field of non-contact printing technology. According to the technical requirements of the special high-speed inkjet printer and the technical characteristics of the piezoelectric sprinkler, a new design scheme of the drive and control circuit for the nozzle is presented in this paper. Based on the study of the structure of a piezoelectric nozzle and the relationship between the control signal and the timing of the nozzle, a new structure of the nozzle is proposed to support the scalability and rapid updating of variable region data. The general design of special high-speed inkjet printer and the composition of each function module are discussed. In the hardware design and implementation of the nozzle drive circuit, the RS422 serial bus standard is adopted to improve the stability of data transmission, and the data transmission scheme of time-sharing multiplexing is proposed to improve the utilization and maintainability of transmission cable. The system cost is reduced. With Cylone series FPGAEP1C6Q240C8,AD5424 of Altera company as the core chip, the high speed print control timing of four sprinklers is realized, which reduces the volume and improves the reliability of hardware circuit. In the implementation of FPGA internal logic, the top-down design method is adopted. Asynchronous FIFO is used to solve the problem of time-sharing data transmission between different clock domains. The data organization of four sprinklers and the control of printing timing are realized by using different difference reference signals and multiple counters made up of the same clock. In order to achieve color consistency between sprinklers, the function of selecting printing waveform of each nozzle is also realized. The results of hardware and software debugging show that the designed nozzle drive circuit works stably and meets the design requirements.
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