[Abstract]:With the continuous improvement of people's living standards, people are more and more concerned about their natural environment and radioactive pollution as a relatively serious environmental pollution, It has become one of the most serious social problems that the society faces. With the development of computer and electronic technology, it brings great convenience to the acquisition of nuclear data and the acquisition and processing of nuclear information. This paper starts from the basic principle of nuclear radiation measurement. Through the systematic research on the lnux driver design technology, embedded system transplant, bootloader development technology, QT4 embedded development nuclear spectrum data acquisition principle and so on, Successfully designed the nuclear spectrum data acquisition and analysis software platform with serial communication, this paper did the following work to design the system first through the research of the system design scheme, After weighing the cost of product performance and scalability, the architecture of the software system is designed. The open source Linux operating system is taken as the core system of the project, and U-Boot is selected as the startup loader of the system. Using the open source Qtopia and Qt/embedded as the development tools and platform of the whole system graphical user interface, then under the guidance of the software system architecture, the U-Boot and Linux kernels are transplanted. And complete the support of the device driver and the ARM development environment of Qt/embedded, including the x86 version based on the PC machine and the ARM version based on the embedded development. The root file system based on Qtopia2 is made. Then, on the basis of the above work, the software design of instrument energy spectrum data acquisition based on Qt/E is completed, which makes the target computer system have better man-machine interface. Moreover, the software is easy to operate and has good stability and convenience. Finally, the debugging of several typical problems in the project development and the solution to the key problems of the system are expounded. It includes kernel startup debugging and qt program segment error debugging, and puts forward some shortcomings of this subject and the direction of further optimization research in the future.
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