[Abstract]:With the continuous development of power system, a large number of power electronic equipment into the power system, such as frequency conversion equipment, converter equipment and so on. With the increasing of voltage level and the large investment of power electronic devices, harmonic pollution becomes more and more serious. This kind of harmonic pollution not only affects power equipment and communication, but also causes power system accidents. It directly affects people's life safety and social production. Harmonic detection in power system is not only the most important task to reduce harmonic damage, but also the urgent need to ensure the safe and reliable operation of power supply system. For a long time, the safe and economical operation of the equipment only depends on improving the quality of the equipment itself, but the influence of the power quality on it has not been paid much attention. How to minimize the harmonic damage of the power grid has become a problem that needs to be solved urgently. Harmonic detection of power system is the most basic and the most critical link. To improve the power quality to solve the problem of harmonic pollution, we must first measure the harmonic components effectively and accurately, and get the amplitude and frequency of each harmonic. Recently, with the rapid development of embedded technology, arm series microprocessors have become one of the most widely used embedded processors in the market because of their low power consumption, high performance and low cost. In this paper, the harmonic detection algorithm of power system is studied, and several harmonic detection methods are compared from the aspects of calculation speed, measurement precision, portability, easy to realize, adaptive ability and so on. The harmonic processing algorithm based on fast Fourier transform (FFT) is analyzed, and the spectrum leakage and fence effect of FFT in harmonic detection are discussed. A solution based on software phase locked loop is presented. Based on the research of theoretical algorithm, an embedded power harmonic detection system is designed in this paper. The system adopts STM32 processor chip as the core component of the system. Each functional module of the system is composed of signal acquisition unit, signal conditioning unit, data processing unit and data communication unit, etc. The detailed design of the interface circuit and the design of the whole software are given in this paper. Finally, the accuracy and function of the harmonic detection system are verified experimentally. The results show that the harmonic detection system designed in this paper has high measuring accuracy and can meet the requirements of harmonic detection in power system.
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