[Abstract]:Sparse matrix algorithm for heterogeneous architecture has become one of the key problems in high performance computing. Sparse matrix algorithm is the key technology and performance bottleneck in many fields of natural science and social sciences. In order to improve the performance of sparse matrix algorithm, it is necessary to improve the corresponding algorithm in particular. However, on the one hand, the computation and memory access behavior of the sparse matrix algorithm is related to the sparse structure of the matrix, and it is a typical irregular algorithm. It is difficult to discover the locality of time and space; on the other hand, with the heterogeneous parallel architecture including the algorithm accelerator, it becomes the main architecture of the high performance computer architecture. In order to meet these problems and challenges, the sparse matrix algorithm for heterogeneous architecture is studied in this paper. The main work is as follows:1. The main innovations are as follows: (1) A breadth-first search algorithm for CPU-GPU heterogeneous platform search direction optimization is proposed. This paper implements a GPU-based bottom-up breadth-first search algorithm, which improves the continuity of GPU thread access and reduces the load imbalance between threads, and further realizes the bottom-up CPU-GPU cooperation. Width-first search algorithm makes full use of all computing resources on CPU-GPU heterogeneous parallel computing platform, and effectively improves the processing speed of width-first search algorithm for large-scale node frontier. On this basis, an optimized search direction search algorithm for CPU-GPU heterogeneous architecture is designed. The top-down serial width-first search algorithm based on multi-core CPU, the top-down parallel width-first search algorithm and the CPU-GPU cooperative bottom-up width-first search algorithm improve the adaptability of the width-first search algorithm to different scale node frontiers. (2) The sparse matrix orientation for CPU-GPU heterogeneous platform is proposed. In this paper, a sparse matrix block storage data structure based on index information compression is proposed. By merging peer-to-peer non-zero elements with similar positions, the amount of data of index information corresponding to non-zero elements of the matrix is reduced. Thus, the regularity and locality of sparse matrix access are improved on the one hand, and the zero-filling elements are controlled on the other hand. Additional computation and memory access overhead are added, and the adaptability to different sparse structures of the matrix is improved by using a two-level hybrid storage data structure. On this basis, load balancing algorithm based on computational memory access is implemented, and optimized Sp MV algorithm for multi-core CPU and GPU is designed, which effectively improves the sparse matrix vector. The computational efficiency of the multiplication algorithm is improved, and the CPU-GPU cooperative sparse matrix vector multiplication algorithm is further realized, which fully exploits the computing capability of heterogeneous architecture computing platform. (3) A sparse matrix decomposition algorithm based on super-node data structure for heterogeneous platform is proposed. In the aspect of data organization, the sparse matrix super-node data structure is improved, and the computing granularity is controlled by super-node merging and partitioning; in the aspect of computing scheduling, the decomposition process is mapped into a series of data block tasks, and the corresponding task generation and scheduling algorithm is designed to improve the parallelism of tasks under the premise of satisfying the data dependence. By mapping control tasks and computing tasks to CPU and GPU respectively, the performance of the sparse matrix decomposition algorithm on CPU-GPU heterogeneous platform is effectively improved. (4) A sparse triangular equations solving algorithm for CPU-GPU heterogeneous platform is proposed. A block processing strategy for sparse structure is proposed, and the calculation process is decomposed according to the non-zero element density of sparse triangular matrix, and a sparse triangular equations solving algorithm based on block data structure is designed. On this basis, a load balancing oriented thread mapping algorithm is designed, and a thread warp-based meter is designed for GPU. Computational organization strategy reduces the performance loss caused by the control branches of GPU threads, and further realizes the CPU-GPU cooperative parallel algorithm for sparse trigonometric equations, which effectively improves the computational efficiency of sparse trigonometric equations solving algorithm on CPU-GPU heterogeneous platform.
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