[Abstract]:The rapid development of computer and microelectronics technology has promoted the rapid innovation of communication technology. The widely used wireless communication technology is playing a more and more important role in people's work and life. At the same time, with the increasing demand for high-speed multimedia wireless communication network, wireless communication on radio. Cognitive radio is a kind of software radio with spectrum sensing and intelligent decision-making ability. It can not only improve the utilization of radio spectrum resources, but also further improve the intelligence level of communication system. Line processor adds more functions and higher computational performance requirements such as spectrum sensing, reconfigurable computing and intelligent decision-making to the needs of software radio processors. Therefore, it is of great significance to study the architecture of digital signal processor for cognitive radio in depth. With the support of the project of Technology Research and Development and several projects of National Natural Science Foundation of China, the spectrum sensing algorithm and architecture of cognitive radio, the reconfigurable baseband processor architecture of cognitive radio and the node architecture of autonomous cognitive radio are studied in depth.
1. Design and implementation of spectrum blind sensing algorithm and architecture for cognitive radio based on energy detection. Spectrum blind sensing is very important for the implementation of cognitive radio system. In order to accelerate the calculation of energy detection and adapt to the requirements of changing detection accuracy, a pipeline architecture with dynamic reconfigurable function is designed and implemented. The FFT processor can reconstruct the FFT computation between 64 and 2048 points, while maintaining good power consumption and area overhead. A two-stage energy detection algorithm is proposed. Based on this algorithm and reconfigurable FFT processor, an energy detector with adjustable detection performance is designed and implemented.
2. Architecture design and implementation of parallel real-time spectrum sensing coprocessor based on cyclostationary feature detection algorithm. Cyclic stationary feature detection is widely used in narrowband signal DOA estimation, signal recognition and radar signal parameter estimation, but its high computational complexity has limited its application as real-time signal processing. A computationally efficient parallel cyclostationary feature detection algorithm is proposed. The algorithm is mapped and implemented on a multi-core software radio processor. For 32768 sampling times at 8 MHz, the spectrum sensing time is 78.8 Ms. Based on the parallel cyclostationary feature detection algorithm, the parallel cyclostationary feature detection is designed and implemented. Based on the reconfigurable FFT processor proposed in this paper, a reconfigurable spectrum sensing coprocessor with the functions of energy sensing and cyclostationary feature detection is designed and implemented, which realizes the balance of spectrum sensing performance and power consumption. Balance.
3. Architecture design and implementation of a reconfigurable baseband processor for cognitive radio. Reconfigurable baseband processing for cognitive radio poses a new challenge to digital signal processors. A cognitive radio baseband system model is proposed. The computational characteristics of baseband processing based on NC-OFDM transmission technology are analyzed. A reconfigurable architecture model for baseband processing applications is proposed, and a reconfigurable multiprocessor architecture CORA based on this model is designed and implemented. The experimental results show that the architecture design can meet the requirements of baseband processing computation in cognitive radio based on NC-OFDM technology.
4. The conceptual model of autonomous cognitive radio, the prototype design and implementation of cognitive circle and node architecture of autonomous cognitive radio. The conceptual model of autonomous cognitive radio (ACR) and the cognitive circle of autonomous cognitive radio (ACR) are proposed. The functions and detailed definitions of related components of the conceptual model of autonomous cognitive radio (ACR) are given. Based on ACE Toolkit, an autonomous cognitive radio simulation environment is designed and implemented. The point architecture prototype ACRA maps the cognitive radio function definition stipulated in IEEE 802.22 protocol onto ACRA. The experimental results show that ACRA is reasonable in spectrum management and has superiority in spectrum sensing performance.
In summary, this paper studies the architecture technology of digital signal processor for cognitive radio, proposes the spectrum sensing coprocessor for cognitive radio, the baseband processing model for cognitive radio, the reconfigurable baseband processor, and the architecture model and prototype implementation of autonomous cognitive radio nodes. The research and architecture implementation of mobile cognitive radio is of great significance and value.
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