[Abstract]:With the increasing complexity of oil and gas exploration targets, people are gradually deepening the understanding of the importance of seismic data processing, and increasingly urgent need for high-precision exploration technology. The technology of parallel processing has been paid more and more attention by the petroleum geophysics. How to process large scale seismic data in parallel quickly and efficiently has become one of the important problems that need to be solved. In this paper, the CUDA platform is used to process large amount of data with large computational complexity; the cloud computing platform Hadoop is used to process large-scale seismic data; and the HadoopDB technology is applied to the processing of time-lapse seismic data. To deal with relatively complex seismic data. In recent years, the high speed, parallelism and programmable function of GPU rendering pipeline make it have great potential in the field of general computing. In this paper, the GPU parallel computing technique is used to parallelize the phase correction and amplitude correction of time-lapse seismic data. The experimental results show that the parallel computation based on GPU can improve the efficiency of the algorithm, and this method can be applied to a variety of time-lapse seismic data mutual equalization correction algorithms. Cloud computing is an efficient computing mode for data-intensive applications. Hadoop platform is a cloud computing software platform based on MapRecuce programming model. In this paper, the parallel algorithm of delay correction and matching correction is implemented based on Hadoop. Big data set is divided into small data sets and assigned to heterogeneous computer clusters, which effectively implements the parallel processing of massive data. The experimental results show that the parallel algorithm based on Hadoop has obvious advantages in dealing with large data sets. HadoopDB is a set of high throughput, large concurrency, mass data storage, analysis and calculation. It improves on Hadoop and uses relational database to save data. It is a hybrid computing technique for mass data storage. In this paper, the HadoopDB technique is applied to the reciprocal equalization of time-lapse seismic data, and a solution is proposed by combining the basic structure and characteristics of HadoopDB with the time-lapse seismic data mutual equalization. Finally, we summarize the work of the paper and discuss the prospects for further work.
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