[Abstract]:With the rapid development of computer industry, the processing power of hardware system becomes more and more powerful, while the software system lags behind. The problem is that the enterprise can not make full use of the existing hardware resources, resulting in a waste of computing power. The emergence of virtualization technology provides a way to solve this problem. Starting with the application scenario and definition of virtualization technology, this paper discusses the three most widely used VMM models and their corresponding virtualization schemes, and summarizes the advantages and disadvantages of these three different schemes on x86 architecture. Then it introduces the architecture and related technology of the mainstream paravirtualization virtual machine (Xen). Focusing on the memory management of Xen and combining with the source code, this paper studies the balloon driven algorithm for physical memory management, and analyzes the page jitter problem in the multi-virtual machine running, and aims at this problem. A centralized judgment balloon driving algorithm is proposed, the flow chart and pseudo code of the algorithm are given, and the performance of the virtual machine using the modified algorithm is tested and analyzed. Then, in order to evaluate an improved virtualization system objectively and reasonably and effectively, the author puts forward a "three-layer system performance evaluation model" which combines subjective and objective combination with AHP and deviation maximization method. The new versions of Xen Client2.1 and VMware Workstation of optimized memory management algorithm are used to evaluate the performance of these two desktop virtualization systems. Finally, the paper introduces the "centralized judgment balloon driving algorithm" and "three-layer system performance evaluation model" further improvement ideas and development prospects. The work of this paper can provide some reference for the research of memory management in Xen virtual machine system and the research of computer system performance evaluation, at the same time, it has certain reference value for the analysis and design of other systems.
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