[Abstract]:With the continuous development and wide application of modern network storage technology, network cluster service and host multipath technology have become two important core technologies in information system disaster recovery and security solutions. This research will use Microsoft MPIO multipath framework to integrate the two, that is, in the network cluster service environment, we will study the MPIO host multipath and its related applications. Then the system disaster recovery and fault processing are analyzed and studied from two aspects of system server and physical transmission path. In this paper, the integration scheme of host multipath network storage architecture based on Hyper-V and WSFC cluster is studied, and then, a detailed analysis, design and development of the DSM device subsystem, the core component of MPIO, is given. Its main tasks include: intelligent selection of optimal paths, disk device management, network cluster services, and I / O error and exception handling. Firstly, the background, current situation and related theories of the research are described, and then in the third chapter, the MPIO multipath in the network cluster environment is analyzed and studied, including the MPIO framework and its function analysis. The fourth chapter analyzes and designs the DSM device subsystem of the MPIO framework, including the DSM device subsystem analysis based on the MPIO framework and the architecture design of each module. Among them, in the intelligent routing module, a strategy of intelligent routing algorithm is proposed and designed, which solves the blindness problem of manually setting routing algorithm. In the module of device correlation and error and exception handling, Finally, according to the detailed design of each module, the implementation and verification analysis of the DSM equipment subsystem are carried out. The experiments show that the DSM device subsystem can work normally, and the intelligent routing algorithm has better I / O performance.
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