[Abstract]:The purpose of this study is that the temperature of the air outlet will rise with the increase of the inlet temperature of the data center server, and some operating servers will emit gas in the high temperature environment, which may lead to hot spots or hardware damage. High air outlet and hot spot cause the burden of refrigeration mechanism. Therefore, the server can be used for the temperature sensitivity analysis of the air inlet, and the server located in the high air inlet area that leads to the hot spot can be relocated. Innovation points: predict outlet temperature as a reference for inlet temperature. The server is relocated according to the predicted outlet temperature, which reduces the maximum outlet temperature and saves energy consumption for refrigeration. Research methods: according to the principle of energy conservation, a server relocation algorithm (algorithm 1) is proposed to test a group of heterogeneous servers. This paper discusses the time response and CPU utilization rate of different test groups before and after repositioning of the heterogeneous servers (Fig. 2-28). Important conclusion: the proposed heat sensing repositioning method can be used in data service center server to realize energy saving 2.1 k W h.. After the repositioning of the server outlet temperature isomorphism is higher. For each pair of relocatable servers, the probability of hot spot generation can be reduced by 77%.
【作者单位】: Department
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