[Abstract]:With the development of information technology, the Internet, as a service, has a profound impact on human life. Under the background of information explosion, mass information processing has become a new challenge in computer science. MapReduce is a parallel distributed data processing programming model, which has the advantage of simplifying the development of traditional distributed programs. Hadoop is an open source implementation of MapReduce, which is a large number of massive data processing enterprises. MapReduce scheduling algorithm mainly solves the problems of cluster sharing, utilization of cluster resources, response time of jobs and so on. At the same time, with the increase of real-time requirements of users, there are more and more researches on real-time scheduling of MapReduce. The difficulty of real-time scheduling of MapReduce lies in the model of real-time job scheduling, and the heterogeneity of cluster and the locality of data must be considered at the same time. Task residual time prediction is an important part of real-time scheduling, and the prediction of remaining time is often affected by the heterogeneity of cluster. This paper proposes an adaptive Reduce task scheduling algorithm (Self-Adaptive Reduce Scheduling, SARS).) by studying the mechanism of Hadoop job runtime. In the existing MapReduce scheduling algorithm research, The scheduling time of Reduce task is too simple. The scheduling time of Reduce task directly affects the completion time of Reduce and the utilization of cluster resources. SARS scheduling algorithm can decide the scheduling time of Reduce task according to the characteristics of the job itself. Experimental results show that the SARS scheduling algorithm reduces the completion time of Reduce and the average response time of cluster jobs, and further improves the utilization of cluster resources. By studying the heterogeneity of cluster, this paper proposes a node classification algorithm based on computing power, which is used to divide the nodes with different computing power in the cluster. On the basis of node classification algorithm, a real-time scheduling algorithm based on time constraint, (MapReduce Task Scheduling for Deadline constraints, MTSD). MTSD, is proposed, and a task residual time evaluation model is proposed. Then the resource requirement model of real-time job scheduling is derived. Experiments show that MTSD improves the data localization of MapReduce jobs and can fulfill the real-time scheduling requirements.
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