[Abstract]:Information plays an increasingly important role in modern society, which is a highly informative society. With the establishment and use of a large number of information systems, these systems not only provide more and more convenience for people, but also bring some problems. The data between information systems is difficult to share, and the business collaboration between systems is very difficult. A slight change to an existing system can lead to a system crash. In order to solve these problems, many strategies have been put forward, such as establishing data exchange platform and designing information system under the unified framework. Digital city is an effective choice to solve the existing problems with a unified overall framework. The early digital city system was built with geospatial data. These systems used spatial data to support data acquisition, analysis, processing and so on. Now that the digital city has been developed as a basic information architecture to support and guide the construction and operation of information systems, it not only defines the interaction of business processes between systems in the framework of digital city. The data center is the data standard, the data access interface standard and the reasonable choice of the data management standard. In this paper, the typical requirements of data center in the framework of data city are analyzed, and the prototype system of data center is built to verify the data sharing exchange and the support of subsystem development. Experiments show that the subsystem constructed under the unified framework can effectively realize data sharing and business cooperation. As the core foundation of digital city, the connotation and extension of data center should develop with the evolution of function and performance of digital city. Cloud computing is an effective way to support the continuous evolution of data center.
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