[Abstract]:With the development of information technology in all kinds of industries in the whole society, the information data has been increasing explosively, and the related information storage, processing and management technology have been put forward higher requirements. Cloud computing integrates large-scale computing and storage resources into a computing resource pool through the network and provides users with on-demand services, which effectively meet the needs of massive information storage and processing. In the field of drug design, the use of computer virtual screening to find compounds with biological activity is an important research method, one of which is to compare the structure of unknown molecules with those with known functions. The bioactivity of the unknown molecule is predicted according to their structural similarity. It is widely used in the research and development of new drugs and the discovery of new chemicals. With the increase of the number of compounds, the demand for drug screening and calculation is increasing rapidly, which puts forward higher requirements for computing system processing technology. The traditional single machine processing method has a great limit. The characteristics of cloud computing technology provide a potential solution to this problem. In this case, how to apply cloud computing technology to computer virtual filtering has become a topic worth studying. This paper studies the theory, characteristics and key technologies of cloud computing, explores the distributed data processing programming model (MapReduce) and its open source implementation mechanism and principle of Hadoop, and puts forward a distributed solution to the problem of molecular structure comparison. The main contributions are as follows: 1) the related technologies and molecular similarity comparison algorithms of cloud computing are studied. Combined with the advantages of Hadoop cloud computing technology, Hadoop can not be directly applied to the problem of molecular similarity comparison. An index file based processing method is proposed, and Hadoop cloud computing technology is applied to the field of molecular similarity comparison. 2) the feasibility of the method is verified by experiments. The experimental results show that the proposed scheme is 14.4 times faster than the single processor system under the condition of 16 CPU parallel processing, which can effectively meet the requirement of mass computing in the molecular similarity comparison system. 3) aiming at the possible problem of data skew in Hadoop's Partition algorithm, a uniform polling partition algorithm is proposed, which reduces the effect of data skew. The experiment shows that the algorithm can improve the efficiency of the whole system by more than 5%. 4) the MapReduce framework has fault-tolerant function, that is, when a computing node fails, the master node will automatically assign the node computing tasks to other idle machines, but the data block of the computing node will be reprocessed. We have improved this so that the data block starts from the last time it was processed and avoids a lot of double computations.
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