[Abstract]:With the development of Internet technology, network services have been covered in various fields. Because the failure of the server will bring some losses, the high reliability of the network server is very important. Virtual machine state synchronization (which synchronizes the state of the primary virtual machine to the backup virtual machine in a certain way) is widely regarded as the technology that can improve the high reliability of the network server. However, the existing high reliability scheme based on virtual machine state synchronization has poor performance due to excessive state synchronization. In this paper, based on virtual machine synchronization technology, a general and efficient network high reliability solution is proposed, in which Shadow VM.Shadow VM sends the request packets from the client to both the primary virtual machine and the backup virtual machine at the same time. The response packets generated by the two virtual machines are compared. As long as the response packet generated by the backup virtual machine is consistent with the response packet of the primary virtual machine, Shadow VM considers the backup virtual machine to be a legitimate backup of the primary virtual machine. And the backup virtual machine can continue to provide service to the client after the main virtual machine fails. When the response packets generated by the two virtual machines are inconsistent, Shadow VM synchronizes the state of the primary virtual machine to the backup virtual machine to ensure that the backup virtual machine is still the legal backup of the primary virtual machine. The primary virtual machine and the backup virtual machine are both active. This paper realizes the state synchronization between the two dynamic virtual machines for the first time. By eliminating some uncertainties in the TCP/IP stack, Shadow VM extends the time between the two virtual machines to generate the same response packets. In addition, Shadow VM achieves good performance by reducing the overhead of synchronizing two dynamic virtual machines. The experimental results show that, Shadow VM can achieve more than 30% performance when protecting Web server and FTP server, and the network delay caused by. Shadow VM is very small. Switch to the backup server within a few hundred milliseconds.
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