[Abstract]:In recent years, mobile applications and mobile devices have made great progress. But mobile devices are still unable to run data-intensive applications compared with PC. These devices are limited by battery power, screen size, wireless communication, etc. In order to overcome these limitations, we can use mobile cloud computing technology. Mobile cloud computing can be defined as an extension of cloud computing. Cloud computing has powerful computing power, massive data storage and provides a new business model, that is, computing resources to provide services to users. Mobile cloud computing hardware resources also include mobile devices. A distributed infrastructure can be built using the collective sensing, network connectivity, storage, and computing capabilities of different mobile devices. Migrating mobile applications to mobile cloud platforms will face a problem of elastic partitioning. Elastic partition is a complex problem. The results of elastic partitioning are affected by many factors, including input factors, limiting factors and dividing objectives. Input factors are related to battery power, network status, device load, cloud load, and current execution performance. The limiting factors are the resource consumption model, user demand and so on. The goal can be the lowest cost, the highest performance, the most robust or the safest, etc. So the elastic partition method should be based on the above factors. Based on the elastic application model, this paper presents an application-based partition consumption graph, an elastic architecture, an improved (K1) coarse-grained partitioning algorithm and a partitioning consumption model. The improved (K 1) coarse-grained partitioning algorithm is used to partition the consumption graph. The weights of the midpoint are composed of the consumption of mobile devices and the consumption of migration to cloud servers. These two components of consumption can be represented by some context information, including execution time, current power, network environment, and partition probability. The probability of division is derived from the statistical analysis of historical data. The weight of this information can be adjusted according to the context-aware hierarchy. In order to adapt to the change of dynamic environment, the algorithm can be divided again. The partition consumption model is used to store and compute context information. The experiment deploys the OCR project under this architecture. Under different network environment and input conditions, the algorithm has a good performance.
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