[Abstract]:Airborne synthetic aperture radar imaging system is widely used in civil fields such as disaster relief monitoring, geological mapping and other military fields, such as battlefield surveillance, military reconnaissance and so on. In the case of limited aircraft volume and load capacity, it is necessary to use high density and high speed storage system to store massive data in real time. In this paper, a high density and high speed storage board with NAND Flash as storage medium is designed. The card realizes the functions of recording, playback, import, export and simple file management. In the software, the MicroBlaze embedded microprocessor is ported as the main controller, and the NAND Flash array controller and the PCIe controller. NAND Flash array controller are designed to integrate the ECC check sum bad block management function to realize reset and programming. PCIe controller realizes PIO and BMD data transmission mode and interrupt function with host computer on the basis of PCIe integrated endpoint hard core. The experimental results show that the high density and high speed storage system designed in this paper has reliable performance, high maneuverability and strong practicability.
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