[Abstract]:Virtual machine technology is widely used in data center and cloud computing because of its characteristics of improving the utilization of physical resources and easy to manage. As one of the most important functions of virtual machine technology, real-time migration of virtual machine can migrate virtual machine from one physical computer to another while keeping virtual machine running. In a single data center or local area network (LAN), it has been widely used in system maintenance, resource dynamic management and fault-tolerant management. In recent years, real-time migration of WAN virtual machines has attracted more and more attention, because it will meet the needs of many important application scenarios, such as load balancing between data centers, expansion of data centers, disaster recovery and so on. At present, the real-time migration technology of virtual machine is usually limited to local area network (LAN). Many mature real-time migration schemes, such as VMware VMotion,Citrix XenMotion, realize the sharing of virtual machine disk mirror based on shared storage (SAN or NFS). Therefore, in the process of real-time migration, the main data transferred from the source host to the destination host is the memory state of the virtual machine. Pre-copy is the most popular method of memory migration. The data transmission rate of virtual machine real-time migration using this method will greatly affect the total time of real-time migration and the total amount of data, and then affect the performance of real-time migration. The data transmission rate of real-time migration depends on the network conditions and the data transmission mechanism of real-time migration. Based on the above analysis, this paper first analyzes the data transmission mechanism of virtual machine real-time migration represented by VMwareVMotion and Citrix XenMotion from the point of view of communication protocol. It is pointed out that the current real-time migration mainly uses one or two fixed number of TCP streams to transmit data, and TCP streams interact little on the application layer. Then, the network test bed is built to test the data transmission performance of real-time migration. The experimental results show that, even if the link bandwidth is sufficient, the data transmission rate of real-time migration will decrease sharply with the increase of delay, and the performance of real-time migration will also deteriorate with the increase of delay. Because the delay increases with the increase of transmission distance, in order to ensure the performance of real-time migration, real-time migration of wide area network needs to overcome the influence of long delay on its data transmission rate. Finally, a real-time migration acceleration system LMAS. is designed and implemented in this paper. The system uses a pair of transparent proxy servers to accelerate the data transmission of virtual machine real-time migration, which means that LMAS is completely independent of virtual machine monitor. LMAS gateway tunnel is divided into control channel and data channel. Among them, the data channel uses parallel TCP as the data transmission method. The test results show that LMAS supports the acceleration of real-time migration, including VMware VMotion and Citrix XenMotion, on 1Gbps and 10Gbps long-distance links, and does not need to make any changes to the virtual machine monitor. In addition, the data encryption function provided by LMAS can also ensure the security of virtual machine in the process of real-time migration.
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