[Abstract]:A new type of underground irrigation technology is put forward for the problem of the water distribution in the underground irrigation and the easy-to-block problem of the emitter. In the underground irrigation system, water and air are mixed and irrigated, and the water and gas two-phase flow is output by an emitter buried under the crop, and the water is driven by the gas phase flow to soak and spread the soil in the root zone, and the water is delivered to the root of the crop. On the one hand, the water-water mixed irrigation effectively solves the problem of the blockage of the underground irrigation, and on the other hand, the water distribution is driven by the gas-phase flow, so that the water can be irrigated to the soil to be distributed upwards, so that the water-gas mixing proportion is adjusted so as to realize the controllable regulation of the water distribution. The system adopts the development scheme of the underground water-saving irrigation system based on the ARM9 microprocessor S3C2440A and the Linux embedded operating system architecture, and the system hardware peripheral circuit based on ARM9 microprocessor is constructed, the software development environment is built, the u-boot, the Linux kernel and the yaffs2 file system are transplanted, And the software design of the peripheral device driver and the application program of the system is completed. Through the experimental verification, the system meets the design requirements and has good real-time, stability and flexibility. It provides a new way for the construction of water-saving irrigation water conservancy project in the dry area.
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