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发布时间:2018-01-05 17:21

  本文关键词:油气分配器的结构设计与性能仿真 出处:《北方工业大学》2013年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 油气润滑 油气分配器 FLUENT 分流系数

【摘要】:相对于传统润滑方式而言,油气润滑有着无可比拟的优势,这也是它在高速重载设备中得到越来越广泛应用的原因。与此同时,对油气润滑系统的研究也陆续地展开,尤其是对油气润滑关键部件的研究。 本文从油气两相流基本理论出发,采用计算流体力学软件FLUENT对油气润滑系统的关键部件之一油气分配器开展了结构设计、性能仿真与分析。在已有油气分配器的基础上,设计和改进了油气分配器的结构;定义了作为评价油气分配器性能指标的分流系数;仿真了油气分配器内部流场,并应用分流系数分析了已有和改进后油气分配器的性能;进而分析了改进后油气分配器的相关参数对其分配性能的影响,得到如下的结论: (1)油气分配器的结构对气体分配的影响不大,已有和改进后的油气分配器出口气相分流系数都很接近理想值0.5,且波动小。说明它们对气体分配的均匀性与稳定性都较好。 (2)改进后的油气分配器由于减小了分配孔间的面积,出口液相分流系数更接近理想值,分流系数随时间波动小,说明改进后油气分配器能够改善油液分配的均匀性与稳定性。 (3)入口油气环状流的均匀程度对油气分配器的分配性能影响较大。 (4)当入口为均匀的油气环状流时,影响油气分配器性能的主要因素是分配孔间随机分配区域的面积,分配芯导流锥体的锥度和分配孔数目对其分配性能影响较小。当入口为不均匀的油气环状流时,分配芯导流锥体与先导块锥形孔围成的环形腔虽对油气环状流流型有一定的调整作用,但分配界面上油膜的分布不均,使分配孔数目成为影响油气分配器性能的主要因素。
[Abstract]:Compared with the traditional lubrication mode, oil and gas lubrication has unparalleled advantages, which is the reason why it is more and more widely used in high speed heavy duty equipment. The research of oil-gas lubrication system has been carried out one after another, especially the key parts of oil-gas lubrication. Based on the basic theory of oil-gas two-phase flow, the structural design of oil-gas distributor, one of the key components of oil-gas lubrication system, is carried out by using computational fluid dynamics software FLUENT. Performance simulation and analysis. Based on the existing oil and gas distributor, the structure of the oil and gas distributor is designed and improved. The distributary coefficient which is used to evaluate the performance of oil and gas distributor is defined. The internal flow field of the oil and gas distributor is simulated, and the performance of the existing and improved oil and gas distributor is analyzed by using the distributary coefficient. Then, the influence of the parameters of the improved oil and gas distributor on its distribution performance is analyzed, and the following conclusions are obtained: 1) the structure of the oil and gas distributor has little effect on the gas distribution, and the gas distribution coefficient at the outlet of the existing and improved distributor is very close to the ideal value of 0.5. And the fluctuation is small, which shows that they have good uniformity and stability for gas distribution. 2) the improved oil and gas distributor reduces the area between the distribution holes, and the outlet liquid distribution coefficient is closer to the ideal value, and the distributary coefficient fluctuates little with time. It shows that the improved oil / gas distributor can improve the uniformity and stability of oil distribution. 3) the uniformity of the inlet oil and gas annular flow has a great influence on the distribution performance of the oil and gas distributor. 4) when the inlet is a uniform annular flow of oil and gas, the main factor affecting the performance of the oil and gas distributor is the area of the random distribution area between the distribution holes. The taper of the cone and the number of distribution holes have little effect on the distribution performance. When the inlet is a non-uniform annular flow of oil and gas. Although the annular cavity surrounded by the cone of the distributive core and the orifice of the pilot block can adjust the flow pattern of oil and gas annular flow to some extent, the distribution of oil film on the distribution interface is uneven. The number of distribution holes is the main factor affecting the performance of oil and gas distributor.


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