[Abstract]:This thesis is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China in 2008 (Project No.: 50735008). With the development of China's industry, especially in the fields of aerospace, robot and automation, many industrial fields have put forward higher requirements for the performance and quality of precision gear transmission mechanism. In this paper, a performance test system is designed for high performance reducers such as RV reducer, filter reducer and so on, which need to be applied in space environment such as aerospace, aviation, space robot and so on. The system is mainly used to test the comprehensive performance and application of high temperature and atmospheric pressure environment and vacuum high and low temperature space environment, and provide scientific basis for further research and application of high performance reducer. The main research contents can be summarized as follows: 1 the research status and development trend of performance test bench and space environment test of high performance reducer at home and abroad are introduced. The research direction of this paper is determined. 2 the transmission performance of high performance reducer and the test items needed to test high performance reducer are analyzed, and the experimental method for comprehensive performance test of high performance reducer is studied. According to the test items and the functions needed to be realized, the overall structure of the comprehensive performance test bench is designed. 3 according to the overall structure of the test bed, the servo control system and the test system are designed. Environmental simulation system and other main functional modules, and selected the appropriate test equipment and devices, The comprehensive performance test platform of mechanical transmission mechanism was built. 4 according to the requirements of thermal vacuum environment test, the key structural component of the thermal vacuum environment, the thermal vacuum simulation vessel (vacuum tank), was designed and carried out. Strength check and finite element statics analysis are carried out. The pumping time of the vacuum extraction system is verified and calculated. 5 the transmission accuracy, transmission efficiency, space return error, starting torque of the filter reducer are tested under normal temperature and atmospheric pressure. In this paper, the measurement method of vacuum high and low temperature space simulation environment is put forward based on the comprehensive performance of stiffness and return difference. The extraction time of high vacuum pump and low vacuum pump is verified experimentally. The temperature and pressure regulation performance of the test rig is tested. The curves of pressure and temperature change with time are obtained.
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