发布时间:2018-01-20 12:36
本文关键词: 基因植入 传统古镇 保护与开发 文化基因 淮南 上窑古镇 出处:《城市问题》2017年03期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:It is believed that the process of realizing the continuation and development of its own culture is based on the process of development under the action of cultural genes, with the perspective of "biogenetics". Taking "cultural gene" as the starting point of research, this paper explains the concept of cultural gene from the level of cognition, connotation and function. On this basis, taking Shangyao ancient town of Huainan city as an example. The cultural gene pedigree of Shangyao ancient town is constructed, the implantation point of cultural gene is deeply excavated, and a new way to protect and renew the traditional ancient town supported by cultural inheritance is put forward.
【作者单位】: 东南大学建筑学院;
【正文快照】: 〔修回日期〕2016-12-23一引言传统古镇是基于特定的地理环境,在人类活动、社会文化与自然环境三者长期相互作用下而形成的特殊的人类聚居环境[1]。作为传统古镇,往往文化遗产遗迹众多,地域文化底蕴深厚,是地域传统文化以及不同时期乡土风情的物质载体。但是,在当前市场经济的
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