[Abstract]:The polyploid plants have many biological characters which are different from diploid, especially polyploid has stronger environmental adaptability than diploid. In order to find out the differences between polyploid and diploid plants and the reasons for these differences, we used the diploid (2n) and its autotetraploid (4n) of watermelon as materials. The differential expression mRNA and miRNA of diploid and autotetraploid of watermelon were sequenced by DGE and sRNA sequencing at both transcriptional and post-transcriptional levels, and the mRNA and miRNA related to differential expression of stress resistance were selected. The expression and regulation patterns of stress related genes obtained by association analysis were studied by using diploid suspension cells of watermelon. Combined with the results of DGE sequencing, the key genes in trehalose metabolism pathway were deeply excavated. Plant hormones such as MeJAA ETHSA were used to induce the diploid suspension cells of watermelon, and the regulation and expression patterns of these genes were explored. At the same time, what are the similarities and differences of the expression patterns of these genes under hormone induction and heat stress? Finally, the stress resistance of trehalose under plant stress was verified by adding trehalose. The main results are as follows: (1) 4985 differentially expressed genes were obtained between 2n and 4n, of which 3291 genes were up-regulated in 4n and only 1694 genes were up-regulated in 2n. Most play catalytic and signaling functions. Among these differentially expressed genes, there were 134 genes related to stress resistance, of which 100 genes were up-regulated in 4n and only 34 genes were up-regulated in 2n. Related to signal transduction. (2) 205 known miRNAs and 815 new miRNAs with differentially expressed miRNAs were obtained between 2n and 4n. The target genes of these miRNAs were significantly enriched in basal metabolic pathways, most of which played catalytic and signal transduction functions, which coincided with result (1). Twenty-five known miRNAs and 62 new miRNAs expressed in these differentially expressed miRNAs were identified. 77 of these 87 differentially expressed miRNAs were up-regulated in 2n and only 10 in 4n. (3) combined with DGE sequencing, Seven members of the 7PS gene family and three members of the TRE gene family were excavated from watermelon, all of them responding to the up-regulation of stress signals simulated by hormone. However, the response patterns of ETH and Meja of TPS gene in response to hormone and high temperature stress were different. But the response pattern of ETH was the same as that under high temperature stress. (4) exogenous trehalose pretreatment significantly alleviated the growth state of cells under mannitol osmotic stress. It is concluded that the differences in physiological morphology and stress resistance between polyploid and diploid plants are regulated by mRNA and miRNA. Although trehalose content in plants is small, it plays an important role in plant defense against stress. Trehalose genes in plants under stress are induced to express and participate in the regulation of plant stress defense.
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