[Abstract]:[objective] to identify and localize a dwarf flag leaf curl mutant in rice. [methods] A recessive dwarf flag leaf curl mutants were screened from the (EMS) mutant library of Jinhui 10, an indica rice restorer line. Named dcfl1 (dwarf and curled flag leaf 1). The plant types of dcfl1 and wild type were observed during the whole growth period. At seedling stage, the size of epidermal cells in leaf sheath was observed by scanning electron microscope, the basal morphology of flag leaf was observed by paraffin section at booting stage and heading stage, the chlorophyll content of flag leaf, second leaf and third leaf were measured at flowering stage, and the plant height and effective panicle number were examined at maturity stage. The main agronomic characters were the number of grains per ear, seed setting rate and 1000 grain weight. Xinong 1A/dcfl1 hybrids were prepared, genetic analysis was carried out by F1 and F2 populations, and gene mapping was carried out by using F2 recessive populations. [results] during the growth period, The length of epidermal cells in leaf sheath of mutant dcfl1 was significantly shorter than that of wild type, and reached a very significant level. Compared with the wild type, the panicle length, the top 1 Internode and the inverted 2 Internode were significantly shorter, while the inverted 3 Internode and the inverted 4 Internode had no significant change. At heading stage, the leaves and sheaths of dcfl1 hardened at the junction, the base of the blade was blocked, half of the leaf curled inward, the upper and middle of the flag leaf were normal, and the other leaves were normal. It was found that the number of effective panicles was 14.24, which was significantly higher than that of wild type (11.62). There was no significant change in the number of grains per panicle, the number of solid grains, seed setting rate and 1000-grain weight. In addition, the leaf color of Dcfl1 was slightly deeper, the content of chlorophyll a in the flag leaf, the second leaf and the third leaf were significantly higher than those in the wild type, and the carotenoid content was also slightly increased, but the content of chlorophyll b in the flag leaf reached a very significant difference level, but there was no significant change in the content of chlorophyll b. In F1 population of Xinong 1A/dcfl1, normal and mutant phenotypes were isolated from F1 population of Xinong 1A/dcfl1. The phenotypes of plant height and flag leaf were the same as wild type. F2 population. The mutant phenotype was similar to that of dcfl1, the plant height became shorter, and the base of flag leaf was curly. The results showed that dwarfing and special curl of the base of flag leaf were a pair of co-segregation characters. The two phenotypic segregation ratios were in accordance with 3 ~ 1, indicating that the dcfl1 mutation was controlled by a pair of recessive nuclear genes. Using 620F2 recessive single plant, the DCFL1 was located in 78 kb between Ind03-11 and Ind03-6 tagged with in Del on chromosome 3, containing 15 annotated genes. [conclusion] dcfl1 is a special curly mutant at the base of dwarf flag leaf of rice, and the gene is located within the physical range of 78kb on chromosome 3.
【作者单位】: 西南大学水稻研究所/转基因植物与安全控制重庆市重点实验室;
【基金】:中央高校基本科研业务费项目(XDJK2013A023) 重庆市研究生科研创新项目(CYS14043)
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