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发布时间:2018-08-02 20:45
【摘要】:当今,随着人们环境、健康意识不断增强,有机食品在全世界范围呈快速增长趋势。然而,由于我国有机农业起步较晚且有机栽培过程控制要求严格,目前在有机栽培水稻养分吸收利用方面尚缺乏深入研究。为了探索有机栽培与常规栽培方式对水稻主要营养元素吸收与分配机制的异同,以已筛选的4种不同氮效型粳稻品种(有机与常规栽培氮高效协同型A类、有机栽培氮高效而常规栽培氮低效的氮效高-低转变型B类、有机栽培氮低效而常规栽培氮高效的氮效低-高转变型C类、有机栽培与常规栽培均低效的氮低效协同型D类)为供试材料,以空白为对照,研究了两种栽培方式下水稻生长性状指标、土壤养分供应、植株主要营养元素吸收和品质性状的异同,为推动有机农业发展,促进水稻养分持续高效利用提供科学依据。主要结论如下:1.不同栽培方式对土壤养分含量的影响,在水稻成熟期,土壤有机质含量表现为有机栽培常规栽培空白处理,有机栽培和常规栽培分别比空白处理高7.00%和2.76%,表明有机栽培措施可缓慢提高土壤有机质含量。土壤全氮量受栽培方式总体影响不大。水稻关键生育时期土壤碱解氮、速效磷和速效钾的含量均表现为常规栽培有机栽培空白处理。2.在拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期,株高、叶面积和干物质积累量总体表现为常规栽培有机栽培空白处理,其中叶面积和干物重在有机和常规栽培方式下差异达到显著水平。在所有类型的水稻品种中,有机栽培比常规栽培单位面积的穗数高,结实率降低,有机栽培下A、B、C、D类型籽粒产量分别减少20.67%、17.46%、41.84%、26.09%,其中有机栽培下氮高效型水稻A类型与B类型可以保持较高的籽粒产量。3.在有机和常规栽培体系下,各类型水稻茎、叶含氮率随生育期的推进呈下降趋势,四种类型的水稻茎、叶含氮率均在拔节期达到最大值。各类型水稻茎、叶、穗含氮率均表现为常规栽培有机栽培。在不同栽培方式下,A类、B类水稻茎在各生育时期含氮率变化幅度低于C类、D类水稻;A类、B类水稻叶在各生育时期含氮率变化幅度高于C类、D类水稻;A类、B类水稻穗在成熟期含氮率变化幅度低于C类、D类水稻。就均值而言,拔节期、抽穗期和成熟期水稻有机栽培下总的氮素积累量分别是常规栽培的77.08%、94.10%和92.92%,在水稻各生育时期,有机栽培下总的氮素积累量小于常规栽培。4.不同栽培方式对水稻叶含磷量表现为常规栽培有机栽培空白处理。在拔节期,A类和C类总磷素积累量有机栽培常规栽培,B类和D类有机栽培常规栽培。在抽穗期,总磷素积累量除了氮低效协同型(D类)有机栽培略等于常规栽培,其余均有机栽培小于常规栽培,A、B、C类分别减少17.83%、17.50%、3.19%。成熟期则表现为总磷素积累量除了氮高效协同型(A类)有机栽培小于常规栽培,其余均有机栽培大于常规栽培。5.除了 D类,叶和穗含钾量均表现为有机栽培常规栽培。茎含钾量表现为A类和C类在拔节期和抽穗期有机栽培常规栽培,成熟期表现为有机栽培常规栽培。拔节期总钾素积累量有机栽培常规栽培,A、B、C、D四类有机栽培分别多出7.20%、12.49%、5.44%、16.62%。抽穗期和成熟期除了 A类总钾素积累量有机栽培常规栽培,其他均表现出有机栽培大于常规栽培的规律。
[Abstract]:Nowadays, with the environment and the increasing awareness of health, organic food is growing rapidly throughout the world. However, due to the late start of organic agriculture in China and the strict control of organic cultivation process, there are still lack of deep research on the nutrient absorption and utilization of organic rice. The differences and similarities between the main nutrient elements absorption and distribution mechanism of rice were taken. 4 varieties of different nitrogen efficiency Japonica Rice Varieties (organic and conventional cultivated nitrogen highly synergistic type A, organic cultivation of nitrogen and conventional nitrogen low efficiency low transformation type B, low efficiency nitrogen and low nitrogen efficiency and high change of nitrogen efficiency in conventional cultivation) were selected. Type C, organic cultivation and conventional cultivation of low efficiency nitrogen inefficient synergistic type D) were used as the test materials. With the blank as the control, the growth traits index of rice, the supply of soil nutrients, the difference of the main nutrient elements absorption and quality characters of the two kinds of cultivation methods were studied in order to promote the development of organic agriculture and promote the continuous and efficient utilization of the rice nutrients. The main conclusions are as follows: 1. the effect of different cultivation methods on soil nutrient content, in the mature period of rice, the content of soil organic matter in the organic cultivation of conventional cultivation blank treatment, organic cultivation and conventional cultivation are 7% and 2.76% higher than the blank treatment, respectively, indicating that organic cultivation measures can slowly increase soil organic matter content. Soil total nitrogen content was less affected by cultivation methods. The content of soil alkali hydrolysable nitrogen, available phosphorus and quick available potassium in the critical growth period of rice all showed that.2. was in the jointing stage of the conventional cultivation organic cultivation blank treatment, heading and maturity, plant height, leaf area and dry matter accumulation in general cultivation blank treatment. The leaf area and dry matter weight were significantly different under the organic and conventional cultivation methods. In all types of rice varieties, the organic cultivation was higher than that of the conventional cultivation units, and the seed setting rate decreased. The grain yield of A, B, C and D under organic cultivation decreased by 20.67%, 17.46%, 41.84%, 26.09% respectively. The nitrogen efficiency under organic cultivation was high. The A type and B type of rice can maintain high grain yield.3. in the organic and conventional cultivation system. The nitrogen content rate of the leaves of various types of rice declined with the growth period, and the nitrogen content of the leaves of the four types of rice reached the maximum at the jointing stage. Under different cultivation methods, the variation amplitude of nitrogen content of B rice stems at various growth stages is lower than that of C class, D type rice, and class A, B type rice leaves are higher than C class, D type rice at various growth stages; and class A, the variation amplitude of nitrogen content of B Rice Panicles is lower than C class and D type rice at maturity. The total nitrogen accumulation of rice under organic cultivation in the mature period was 77.08%, 94.10% and 92.92% of the conventional cultivation, and the total nitrogen accumulation under the organic cultivation was less than that of the conventional cultivation.4.. Conventional cultivation of organic cultivation with organic cultivation, B and D organic cultivation. In the heading stage, the accumulation of total phosphorus in addition to nitrogen low efficiency synergistic type (D class) is equal to conventional cultivation, and the other organic cultivation is less than conventional cultivation, A, B and C are reduced by 17.83%, 17.50% respectively, and the accumulation of total phosphorus in the mature period of 3.19%. is higher than the high nitrogen content. The organic cultivation was less than the conventional cultivation, the other organic cultivation was larger than the conventional cultivation.5. except for the conventional cultivation. The potassium content in the leaves and ears were all shown in the organic cultivation routine cultivation. The potassium content of the stem showed as a Class A and the C in the jointing and heading stage by organic cultivation, and the mature period was shown as the conventional cultivation of organic cultivation. The four kinds of organic cultivation of A, B, C, and D were 7.20%, 12.49%, 5.44% respectively in the organic cultivation of the organic cultivation of the organic cultivation. The organic cultivation of the organic cultivation was more than the regular cultivation of the total potassium accumulation in the 16.62%. heading stage and the mature period, and the other showed that the organic cultivation was larger than the regular cultivation.


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