[Abstract]:Screening tobacco genotypes with low nitrogen tolerance and high nitrogen efficiency is an effective way to improve nitrogen use efficiency and reduce nitrogen pollution. 74 tobacco genotypic seedlings were treated with low nitrogen (0.5 mmol L ~ (-1) and normal nitrogen (5.0 mmol L ~ (-1). The evaluation indexes were determined by index statistics, factor analysis and cluster analysis, and low nitrogen tolerance genotypes were screened. The root volume, root biomass, stem and leaf nitrogen accumulation and shoot biomass of different genotypes of tobacco varied significantly, and the coefficients of variation of low nitrogen and normal nitrogen treatments were 0.370.68 and 0.38g 0.64, respectively. The principal components of the two nitrogen levels were basically similar, indicating that the nitrogen accumulation in the stems and leaves and the aboveground biomass played a major role. According to the results of Heatmap clustering and nitrogen efficiency scatter map analysis, 15 low nitrogen tolerant genotypes were selected. Among the tested materials, 8 belong to low nitrogen efficiency and normal nitrogen low efficiency type, 6 belong to low nitrogen and low efficiency normal nitrogen low efficiency type, 1 belongs to low nitrogen efficiency and normal nitrogen efficiency type, and 8 low nitrogen sensitive genotypes are screened. Among them, 6 belong to low nitrogen, low efficiency, normal nitrogen efficiency and 2 belong to low nitrogen and low efficiency normal nitrogen and low efficiency type. 14P9 was identified as low nitrogen tolerance and nitrogen efficient genotype, Zhongyan 100 and K394 were low nitrogen sensitive and low nitrogen efficient genotypes.
【作者单位】: 江西农业大学农学院/作物生理生态与遗传育种教育部重点实验室/江西省作物生理生态与遗传育种重点实验室;江西省烟叶科学研究所;
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