[Abstract]:Ericaceae plants have very high horticultural value, including the important cash crops such as "ten famous flowers" Rhododendron and blueberry. They are typical groups adapted to poor soil. It is considered that this adaptability is closely related to a special type of endophytic mycorrhizal formed by the roots of Ericaceae plants: Rhododendron mycorrhizal (also known as Photinia mycorrhizal, ERM). In order to explore the molecular mechanism of ERM symbiosis formation and its effect, an ERM fungus was isolated and purified from the roots of Rhododendron fortunei Lindl. The symbiotic system of the fungus and Rhododendron fortunei Lindl. was established. The changes of the root system at transcriptional level were analyzed by transcriptome sequencing. A large number of differentially expressed genes related to mycorrhizal formation and nitrogen uptake and metabolism were obtained. The main results were as follows: (1) ERM fungi were isolated from the roots of Rhododendron yunnanensis in Huadingshan Forest Park, Zhejiang Province. The fungi were identified as macrospores by morphological observation of colonies, hyphae and spores, and phylogenetic tree analysis of ITS RNA sequences. Establishment of symbiotic system of ERM by fungal inoculation experiment. The seedlings of Rhododendron yunnanensis were sown on 1/2 ER medium for two months, and the fungi were Om19. The seedlings were transplanted to the substrate under aseptic conditions and inoculated with Om19. The root anatomical structure was observed by trypanosome blue staining two months after inoculation. It was found that mycelia and hyphae nodes were formed in the epidermis and cortex cells of root system, and the ERM symbiosis was formed between Om19 and root system. (3) Observation of the infection process of ERM and determination of mycorrhizal infection rate were carried out by hand pressing, scanning electron microscopy and semi-thin resin section to observe the anatomical morphology of the root every week after inoculation of Om19, to track the changes of root surface and cell structure, and to calculate the mycorrhizal infection rate. Scanning electron microscopy showed that the root surface of inoculated seedlings was surrounded by a dense layer of hyphae; semi-thin resin section showed that the root structure was simple without root hairknot. The mycorrhizal infection rate increased gradually in the second week and increased significantly in the sixth week, reaching more than 50%. (4) The fresh weight of inoculated seedlings and uninoculated seedlings was observed. From the first week to the tenth week, the fresh weight of inoculated seedlings was significantly higher than that of non-inoculated seedlings, from 103.5mg to 328.0mg at the tenth week. The fresh weight of inoculated seedlings in the sixth week was 63% higher than that of non-inoculated seedlings, the dry weight increased by 47%, and the total nitrogen content increased by 36.6%. (5) Transcription sequence analysis of Rhododendron yunnanensis roots under symbiotic conditions. Because of the mycorrhizal infection rate at the sixth week of inoculation, plant biomass and total nitrogen content were significantly increased. A transcriptome Library of 70 720 All-Unigenes was constructed from the roots of inoculated and non-inoculated seedlings. These genes were annotated in NR, NT, Swiss-Port, KEGG, COG and GO databases to 45058, 36399, 28048, 4986, 15106, respectively. Unigene expression was calculated by FPKM method, and 16892 differentially expressed genes (DEGs) were obtained, of which 14364 were significantly up-regulated, and 4613 were annotated into 267 metabolic pathways in KEGG database. (6) DEGs related to ERM formation and nitrogen uptake and metabolism were related to mycorrhizal formation. There are 411 endocytosis pathways, 365 ether ester metabolism pathways, 237 plant pathogenic bacteria interactions, 223 plant hormone signaling pathways, 19 nodulation factor signaling pathways and 21 calcium signaling pathways. The metabolic pathways related to nitrogen uptake and metabolism include: the annotation of metabolic pathways to 1398 DEGs, 32 nitrogen metabolic pathways, and the metabolism of arginine and proline. There are 34 pathways and 23 pathways of mineral absorption and metabolism. The related genes are: nitrate transporter gene (NRT) 8, ammonia transporter protein (AMT) 11, encoding glutamine synthase vulgar acid synthase (GS / GOGAT) metabolic pathway of the key genes are: nitrate reductase (NR) 4, nitrite reductase (NiR) 4, glutamate synthase (GOGAT) 11 and glutamine synthase (GS) 3. High expression of ERM indicated that the pathway of nitrate uptake by roots of ERM plants might be similar to that of AM, and the up-regulation of NRT gene suggested that ERM might enhance the direct uptake of nitrate by roots. The formation of ERM and seven of ERM (AMT3, NRT1-1, NRT1-2, GOGAT-1, GS-1 and GS-2) were analyzed by qRT-PCR. The results showed that the expression of these genes increased gradually after inoculation, reached the highest level at the sixth week (except DMI3) and decreased at the eighth week, which was consistent with the experimental results of mycorrhizal infection and effector expression.
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