[Abstract]:Phosphorus is one of the essential elements in plants. Phosphorus deficiency affects plant growth. Glutathione (Glutathione,GSH) is a common antioxidant in plants, which plays an important role in plant resistance to low phosphorus stress. Effectively scavenging excess reactive oxygen species from plant physiological and biochemical activities, Protection of Biomacromolecules from reactive oxygen species in plants. GSH was performed by the catalytic action of 纬 -glutamyl semidaminic acid synthase (纬 -ECS) and glutathione synthase (hGSHS), and hGSHS was encoded by 纬 -ECS and hGSHS genes. Y-ECS and hGSHS, respectively. The interaction between the level of 纬 -ECS and the level of hGSHS activity in response to stress was due to the expression of 纬 -ECS and the content of GSH. Plant complex hormone (Phytochelatins,PC) is synthesized by using GSH as the substrate. It can be induced by external heavy metal ions to produce PC. It chelates with heavy metal ions through the structure of sulfur group on Cys to reduce the toxic effect of heavy metal ions on plants. Glutathione (Homoglutataione,hGSH) hGSH has almost all the functions of GSH, and the homologous phytocomplexin (Homophytochelatin,hPC) in soybean can also perform all the functions of PC. Screening stable internal reference genes is a prerequisite for real-time quantitative PCR (Real-time quantitative PCR,RT-qPCR). In this experiment, soybean cultivar Guoxia 2 (GX2) and sensitive cultivar Guixiang 1 (GX1) were treated with 1 / 5 Hoagland total nutrient solution and 0. 2 渭 mol/L KH2P04 for 2 d, 4 d, 8 d, 12 d and 16 d, respectively. GeNorm analysis method was used to analyze the stability of 15 internal reference genes (18 s RNA-ACTT) CYPf1- 伪 Ef1- 尾 (G6PDHPEP), and the most stable internal reference genes were used to calculate the expression levels of 纬 -ECS and hGSHS in different phosphorus stress periods. The results showed that the stability of PP2An PSC-PSCTUBUNK1 and UNK2Letin was calculated by using the most stable internal reference gene under low phosphorus stress, and the stability of CYP1- 伪 Ef1- 伪 Ef1- 尾 (G6PDHP1- 尾) gene was calculated by using the most stable internal reference gene to calculate the expression level of 纬 -ECS and hGSHS in different phosphorus stress periods. At the same time, the enzyme activities of 纬 -ECS and hGSHS in different phosphorus stress periods were studied by spectrophotometry, and the changes of hGSH and hPCs contents under low phosphorus stress were detected by liquid-mass spectrometry. Results: among all the sample groups, the stability of PSC,18sRN and TUB, was the best, the stability of PE and CYP; was the lowest, the stability of PP2A; blank group was the most stable and the stability of PP2A; was the most stable and the stability of TIF was the best. The best indication of stability at the root is PE. The relative expression of y-ECS and hGSHS (Fold change,FC) was calculated according to TUB. Under low phosphorus stress, the relative expression of 纬 -ECS and hGSHS in roots and leaves of GX1 decreased with the prolongation of stress time. The relative expression of 纬 -ECS and hGSHS in root of GX2 increased with the prolongation of stress time. In leaves, the relative expression of 纬 -ECS also showed an increasing trend, while the relative expression of hGSHS decreased the activity of 纬 -ECS and hGSHS in roots and leaves of GX2 increased with the prolongation of stress time. The content of hGSH in the roots of GX2 increased with the prolongation of stress time. The activity of 纬 -ECS and hGSHS in GX1 and the content of hGSH in GX1 showed the opposite trend compared with that of GX2. The content of root and leaf in two soybean varieties was basically zero. The results showed that the increase of activity level of 纬 -ECS and hGSHS was one of the molecular mechanisms of soybean resistance to low phosphorus stress, and there was a mutual regulation between 纬 -ECS and hGSH genes and the synthesis of hGSH. The difference of glutathione synthase gene expression may be the reason for the difference of phosphorus efficiency.
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