[Abstract]:Sunflower is a kind of medicinal and food plant, which is rich in anthocyanins, polysaccharides, flavonoids and terpenoids. In order to study the genetic basis of the synthesis of these active substances in the secondary metabolism of Okra, 23 026 500 short reading sequences were obtained by Illumina Hi Seq 2500 high throughput transcriptome sequencing. The average length of 42,484 Unigene, was 877 bp.31 931 and 21,926 Unigene respectively in Nr and Swiss Prot databases. Unigene was compared with COG,KOG database, which was divided into 24 classes and 25 classes according to their functions. The annotated 20 031 Unigene belong to 7 277 protein domains, and 18 602 Unigene are divided into 51 functional groups of cell components, molecular functions and biological processes, among which a large number of Unigene and cell parts, cells, and catalytic activity. According to the KEGG database, 7 619 Unigene can be located into 119 branches of metabolic pathway, of which there are 1 ~ (3) ~ (3) ~ (35) Unigene and 70 Unigene belong to anthocyanin, flavonoid, N- polysaccharide, respectively. Diterpenoids and terpenoids skeleton biosynthesis pathways that may be involved in the biosynthesis of these active substances. The results laid a foundation for the further study of anthocyanins, flavonoids and related functional genes.
【作者单位】: 福建省农业科学院亚热带农业研究所;福建省农业科学院作物研究所;
【基金】:福建省公益类科研院所专项(2016R1012-4) 福建省农业科学院青年英才计划项目(YC2015-19);福建省农业科学院科技创新团队PI项目(2016PI-2)
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