[Abstract]:Soybean is one of the most important cash crops and oil crops in the world. The symbiotic nitrogen fixation system between legume plants and rhizobia is the most important nitrogen fixation mode in nature. Because of its high efficiency and economy symbiotic nitrogen fixation plays an important role in agricultural production. At present, most of the studies on symbiotic nitrogen fixation between legume and rhizobia are focused on model plants, many early nodulation genes have been identified, but there is little research on symbiotic nodule fixation of soybean and rhizobia. The purpose of this study was to investigate the signal transduction process of soybean-rhizobia symbiotic nodulation by identifying the function of soybean early nodulation gene Sym RK,CCa MK,NSP1,NSP2,NIN. The main results are as follows: 1. In order to identify the function of genes Gm Sym RK 伪 / 尾, Gm CCa MK 伪 / 尾, Gm NSP1 伪 / 尾, Gm NSP2 伪 and Gm NIN 伪 in the process of soybean rhizobia symbiotic nodulation, we used hairy root transformation technique. The effects of overexpression and down-regulation on nodule number of soybean plants were verified. The results showed that: Gm Sym RK 伪 / 尾, Gm CCa MK 伪 / 尾, Gm NSP1 伪 / 尾, Gm NSP2 伪, Gm NIN 伪 overexpression significantly increased the number of nodulation. After down-regulation of Gm Sym RK 伪 / 尾, Gm CCa MK 伪 / 尾 gene, the nodule number of the plant was significantly lower than that of the control group. The results showed that Gm Sym RK 伪 / 尾, Gm CCa MK 伪 / 尾, Gm NSP1 伪 / 尾 and Gm NSP2 伪, Gm NIN 伪 played an important role in the process of soybean nodulation. 2. The effects of gene complementation and overexpression on nodule number of alfalfa mutant mtdmi3,mtnsp1-1 and wild type A17 were studied by hairy root transformation technique. The results showed that the expression of Gm CCa MK 尾 in mtdmi3 could restore the nodulation ability of plants, and the expression of Gm NSP1 伪 / 尾 in mtnsp1-1 could restore the nodulation ability of plants. At the same time, overexpression of Gm CCa MK 尾 and Gm NSP1 伪 / 尾 in alfalfa A17 of wild type Tribulus terrestris significantly increased the number of nodulation. The results showed that, Gm CCa MK 尾 could complement the biological function of DMI3 in alfalfa of Tribulus terrestris, and Gm NSP1 伪 / 尾 could complement the biological function of NSP1 in alfalfa of Tribulus terrestris. 3. Q RT-PCR was used to detect the interaction of gene expression. The results showed that overexpression of gene Gm Sym RK increased the expression of Gm CCa MK,Gm NSP1 and Gm NSP2 in varying degrees, and inhibiting the expression of Gm Sym RK resulted in Gm CCa MK,. The expression of Gm NSP1 and Gm NSP2 was down-regulated in varying degrees. Overexpression of the gene Gm CCa MK increased the expression of Gm NSP1,Gm NSP2 in varying degrees, inhibited the expression of Gm CCa MK, down-regulated the expression of Gm NSP1,Gm NSP2 in varying degrees, and overexpressed Gm NSP1 made the expression of Gm NSP2 and Gm NIN strongly up-regulated. Overexpression of Gm NSP2 伪 resulted in down-regulation of Gm CCa MK,Gm NIN expression in varying degrees, and overexpression of Gm NIN 伪 resulted in strong down-regulation of Gm NSP2 expression. These results suggest that Gm Sym RK is located upstream of Gm CCa MK, Gm NSP1,Gm NSP2 and Gm NIN are downstream of Gm CCa MK in early nodulation signal transduction pathway, Gm NSP2 伪 may have negative feedback regulation on Gm CCa MK. Gm NIN 伪 may also have negative feedback regulation on Gm NSP2. Soybean-rhizobia early symbiotic nodule signal transduction pathway is similar to legume model plants.
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