[Abstract]:The traditional classification of scorpion species mainly depends on morphological and behavioral characteristics, but it is difficult to classify and identify the species due to the similarity of morphological characteristics among species. In order to make up for the deficiency of traditional classification methods, the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit (COI) gene was used as molecular marker to identify the species of Euscorpiops validus and E.puerensis of Scorpion sinensis. The partial COI gene fragment sequences (660 bp),) of 24 samples from Scorpio and Pu'er Scorpio were obtained by PCR amplification and sequencing. The genetic distance, phylogeny and haplotype network were analyzed. The results showed that 4 haplotypes were detected in 15 Scorpio samples, and the similarity between haplotypes was 99.3 and 99.8, respectively. A total of 4 haplotypes were detected in 9 samples of Pu'er Scorpio, and the similarity between haplotypes was 99.6 and 99.8, respectively. The similarity of interspecific sequences of the two scorpions was 90.1 and 90.6, and the stable difference of nucleotide sites between haplotypes was 61. The average genetic distance between Scorpio and Pu'er Scorpio was 0.004 0.0023, and the average genetic distance between species was 0.103 9, and the genetic distance between species was 34.6 times of that within species. In addition, the molecular phylogenetic tree showed that the haplotypes of Scorpio and Pu'er Scorpio were clustered into two monotypic branches, and had a high branch bootstrap value (100%). The results of haplotype network also showed that 8 haplotypes of Scorpio and Pu'er Scorpio could be divided into two groups, and the number of mutation steps between haplotype HAP2 and haplotype HAP7 of Pu'er scorpion was as high as 62 steps. These results not only confirmed that Scorpio and Pu'er are two different species, but also suggested that mitochondrial COI gene could be used for molecular identification of Euscorpiops species of Scorpio.
【作者单位】: 云南大学生命科学学院;
【基金】:云南省大学生创新创业训练计划项目(201310673008) 云南大学引进人才科研启动资金项目(XT412002)
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