[Abstract]:As the first line of defense, mucosal immunity can recognize and neutralize the pathogen and induce immune cells to phagocytosis. Polyimmunoglobulin receptor (pIgR (polymeric immunoglobulin receptor) is an important molecule in vertebrate mucosal immunity and plays an important role in fish immunity. As an important economic fish, grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus) is susceptible to pathogens. Immunization is an effective method to prevent and control diseases, but the molecular mechanism of fish immunity is still unclear. In this paper, the cloning, expression analysis and binding activity of pIgR gene with IgM were studied in order to provide theoretical basis for improving the immune control level of grass carp. In this study, the cDNA sequence of grass carp pIgR was amplified by RT-PCR,3'-RACE and 5'-RACE techniques. The full-length pIgR sequence was obtained by sequence splicing. The full-length pIgR 1667 bp, contained an open reading frame (Open reading frame,ORF (1008 bp). Encoding 336 amino acids, 5 'non-coding region is 77 bp,3', non-coding region is 579 bp.. The pIgR protein of grass carp is composed of three parts: extracellular, transmembrane and intracellular, and its molecular weight is 37. 22 kDa. The front end consists of 22 amino acids, and the extracellular domain consists of two ILD domains. The expression of pIgR mRNA in skin, muscle, Gill, liver, spleen, intestine, head kidney and heart of grass carp was studied by RT-qPCR. The results showed that the expression of pIgR mRNA in intestine was the highest, followed by spleen and liver. There is less expression in head kidney and muscle. The prokaryotic expression vector pET-32a, was used to express the pIgR protein of grass carp and the recombinant pIgR protein was expressed in large quantities by using the Rosetta Escherichia coli expression system. The recombinant pIgR protein was purified and immunized to prepare its specific antibody. The eukaryotic expression vector of pcDNA3.1-pIgR was constructed and transfected into grass carp ovarian cell line GCO (Grass carp ovary). The mouse anti-grass carp pIgR antibody was used as the first antibody, and the FITC labeled goat anti-mouse antibody was used as the second antibody. The expression of pIgR protein in grass carp was detected by immunofluorescence. The binding of pIgR and IgM was detected in pcDNA3.1-pIgR transfected cells using natural grass carp IgM and rabbit antibody against grass carp IgM.
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