[Abstract]:As an important substitute for coal and natural gas resources, CBM has great potential to develop, which has been popularized in the United States, Russia and Canada, and has formed a new industry of CBM industry, with remarkable results. However, as one of the new energy industries with great potential for exploitation, most of the coal-bed methane mining in our country depends on the existing foreign technology, and the independent innovation technology is very scarce, although some optimization has been carried out according to the characteristics of coal mine resources storage in our country. However, the overall progress is slow, so it is urgent to carry out innovative research on coalbed methane mining technology according to the special coal mine storage conditions in China. In view of this, this paper firstly applies genetic engineering to the process of technological innovation based on the principle of innovative gene, and constructs the path of obtaining and preprocessing technical gene data by using scientific knowledge map. Then, the characteristic elements of the technology gene are extracted by patent analysis method, and the expression map of the technology innovation gene is plotted by the expert meeting method combined with the current technology status. Finally, an analytical model of genetic map data of technological innovation is constructed by using entropy weight method and patent mining method. Taking the coal-bed methane mining technology in China as an example, an empirical study is carried out by using the above technology innovation gene theory model. The innovative development path of coal-bed methane mining technology in China is forecasted. The main contents and innovations of this paper are summarized as follows: (1) the model of extracting technical gene information under big data background is constructed. Aiming at the multi-source heterogeneous and massive professional technical data, a model for extracting and analyzing innovative gene data is constructed by using scientific knowledge map and patent analysis method, and the selection process of mass technological innovation gene is realized under the condition of lack of prior knowledge. It provides the information basis and method support for the next step to confirm the decision path of technological innovation gene information. (2) the model of gene analysis and path selection of technological innovation is constructed. The key technology innovation genes can be seen intuitively by the genetic map of technological innovation. Based on this, a genetic analysis and evaluation model of technological innovation is constructed by using entropy weight method and patent mining method. The development path of technological innovation in future target areas is predicted reliably. (3) based on the genetic model of technological innovation, the technological innovation process of coal-bed methane production in China is studied empirically. In this paper, the current situation of coal-bed methane mining technology in China is analyzed and studied by using the gene theory model of technological innovation constructed above. Combined with the analysis results, it is pointed out that the future coal-bed methane production technology in China has a great space for technological innovation in both mine bit and reservoir reconstruction technology. The results show that the genetic map model of technological innovation proposed in this paper is a systematic technology prediction method based on patent literature mining, and can be widely used in multi-technology fields covered by patent literature. By using the corresponding methods of text clustering and data analysis, the key technical innovation genes in related fields are screened, extracted, classified and predicted. By using this model, we can draw the gene map of technology innovation in the related fields in a short time, and provide the specific direction and train of thought for the enterprise through further statistical analysis, so as to guide the technological innovation process of the enterprise. Shortening the technology R & D cycle and improving R & D efficiency have strong application value.
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