[Abstract]:Betaine is a natural plant pigment in edible red beet. It has good coloring property and important edible and medicinal value. The biosynthesis of beberelin is very complex, and the physiological activity of beberelin has been studied thoroughly at home and abroad. However, it is still in the research stage to explain the metabolic pathway of beet from the molecular level. For many years, it has been speculated that glycosyltransferase and tyrosinase are involved in the biosynthesis pathway of beet, but there is still no molecular biological evidence. In order to study the functional regulation of glycosyltransferase gene (UDP) and tyrosinase gene (TYR) during the metabolism of beet, the two genes were cloned and analyzed by bioinformatics. A series of information about the protein is obtained. The promoter sequences of UDP and TYR genes were obtained by chromosome step technique using the cloned genes as template design primers. The promoter sequences were analyzed by online software plant CARE. According to the results of promoter sequence analysis, it was inferred that the expression of UDP and TYR genes in beet was sensitive to light and various organic acids. In order to further clarify the effect of chemical substances and light on the growth of sugarbeet and the expression of UDP,TYR gene, sugarbeet seedlings were cultivated in different environments, and the growth status of sugarbeet was studied under different treatment conditions. The relationship between the accumulation of beet and the relative expression of UDP,TYR gene. Considering the actual planting and production of sugarbeet, soybean, corn, chicory, okra and sugar beet were treated with allelochemicals extraction solution under the treatment of chemical substances. The germination experiment of sugarbeet was carried out with different allelochemicals. The sugarbeet seedlings were cultured in red light, blue light and green light respectively under light treatment. The effects of five allelochemicals on the germination of sugarbeet seeds were different. The allelopathic substances of sugar beet and chicory showed inhibitory effect on the germination of sugarbeet seeds, soybean, okra and maize alleles were promoted. Allelopathic substances such as okra, maize and soybean allelopathy could promote the growth of seedling fresh weight and plant height, while chicory and beet allelopathy were inhibited. In addition, p-hydroxycinnamic acid in soybean allelopathy decreased the synthesis of beet pigment by inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase, and the other four alleles promoted the content of beet. The key role of tyrosinase in the biosynthesis of beet pigment was further confirmed. Different crops have different effects on sugarbeet gene expression due to the different species of specific sensitive substances. Under different light treatments, green light, blue light and red light could inhibit the growth of seedlings, and the inhibition of red light was the most obvious. The inhibitory effects of green and blue light were not different. In addition, under different light treatments, the overall change trend of pigment content was first increased and then decreased. Blue light promoted the accumulation of pigment, which indicated that short wavelength was beneficial to pigment synthesis. Under three light irradiation conditions, the expression of TYR gene was almost higher than that of the control group, indicating that monochromatic light could effectively stimulate the expression of TYR gene. The relationship between the gene expression level and the metabolic accumulation of beet was obtained by cultivating sugarbeet seedlings under different allelopathic substances and light, which provided the theoretical basis and basis of molecular biology for the biosynthesis of beberelin.
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