[Abstract]:Oli (Cerasus humilis (Bge) Sok) and Yu Li (Cerasus japonica (Thunb.) The tree shape of deciduous small shrub fruit trees of the same genus of Rosaceae Cherry genus is very similar but the content of organic acid of fruit is quite different. In this paper, we studied the difference of organic acid accumulation, malate metabolic enzyme activity and gene expression in the fruit of Euclidean and Yu plum, and analyzed the reasons for the difference of organic acid metabolism in the fruit. The content of titratable acid in the fruit of Eucalyptus chinensis was determined by acid-base titration, and the contents of malic acid and citric acid were determined by (HPLC). The changes of NAD-MDH,PEPC,NADP-ME activity during fruit development were measured. The conserved region of NAD-MDH,NADP-ME,PEPC,VHA gene was cloned by homologous cloning method and the expression of NAD-MDH,NADP-ME,PEPC,VHA gene during fruit development was analyzed. The main results are as follows: (1) the change trend of titratable acid malic acid and citric acid in the fruit of Euchamnus chinensis is the same: the content of organic acid in the early stage of fruit development increases rapidly in the early stage of ripening and then decreases after ripening. The change trend of titratable acid malic acid and citric acid in the fruit was basically the same: the content of organic acid in the whole development process was decreasing except for the slight increase of malic acid in the fruit near maturation. Malic acid and citric acid are the most organic acids in the fruit. In mature fruit, malic acid content and citric acid content accounted for 85.34% of total acid content, and malic acid content and citric acid content accounted for 88.90% of total acid content. (2) NAD-MDH,. PEPC and NADP-ME are the key enzymes of malic acid metabolism. NAD-MDH and PEPC mainly promote the synthesis of malic acid. However, the correlation coefficient between the activity of PEPC and malic acid content was lower than that of NAD-MDH.NADP-ME, and the main effect of NAD-MDH.NADP-ME was to promote the degradation of malic acid. The activity of the enzyme was negatively correlated with the malic acid content in the fruit. (3) the conserved sequences of NAD-MDH,VHA,NADP-ME and PEPC genes were obtained, the length of which were 872 BP, 904 BP, 694 BP, respectively. BLAST comparison of the cloned gene fragments with other related species by 829bpo showed that the similarity was more than 90%. (4) the results of fluorescence quantitative PCR showed that the NAD-MDH, in the fruit of Eulis and Eupatorium chinensis was similar to that of other relative species. The trend of expression of NADP-ME and PEPC genes was similar except in the early stage of fruit development, and the change trend of gene expression after hard nucleus stage was basically the same. In the early stage of fruit development, the expression of ME gene increased gradually, while the expression of ME gene decreased, which made the change trend of organic acid content in the two kinds of fruits different. The expression of VHA gene was slightly lower in the development period than that in the hard nucleus stage and the expansion stage, except in the hard nucleus stage and the expansion stage, and the expression level of the VHA gene was slightly lower than that in the Yu Li stage. During the whole development of fruit, the expression of NAD-MDH,PEPC gene which promoted malic acid synthesis was higher in European plum than that in Yu plum, while the expression of NADP-ME gene that promoted malic acid degradation was lower in European plum than that in European plum. However, there was no correlation between the amount of gene expression and malic acid content.
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