[Abstract]:Different genotypes of the same species had different responses to long or short days, and there were significant differences in the initial time and amount of starch accumulation. Regulating the response of plants to photoperiod and the starting time of starch accumulation is undoubtedly one of the indispensable options for increasing starch accumulation. However, little is known about how plants respond to photoperiod at the level of gene expression. In this experiment, potato leaves treated with different photoperiod were used as materials, and 27022 transcripts were identified by transcriptome sequencing. The results were as follows: (1) 27022 transcripts were identified by long, short sunlight and control samples sequencing. The average length of the transcribed sequence was 1640bp-among which, the number of co-expressed genes under light and dark was 22033 and 19935 respectively. KEGG enrichment analysis showed that 121 metabolic pathways were involved in the length of this study. (2) GO functional annotation and differentiation expression gene analysis (DEG), screened 1985 upstream key response genes; 208 genes of (TSDB) protein were treated with specific DNA, and the quantitative qPCR analysis of TSDBs gene was carried out by partial short-day irradiation. The results showed that the change of expression multiple was basically the same as its RPKM value. (3) under different photoperiod, the expression of TSDBs gene was similar to its RPKM value. 17 starch biosynthesis coding genes showed significant differential expression. Among them, four genes were significantly higher in light than in dark, and one in dark was significantly higher than that in light. Bioinformatics analysis showed that transcription factor AP2 was directly involved in the transcription initiation of 17 genes. (4) three full-length cDNA, genes, EPIDERMAL PATTERNING FACTOR 2 (EPF2), YABBY-like transcription factor GRAMINIFOLIA (GRAM) and cup-shaped protein (CUC3), were cloned. Six fusion genes were constructed to achieve excessive and inhibitory expression in vivo. (5) epf2 and epf2- positive transformed lines were screened, and stomatal imprinting was observed. The stomata of epf2 and epf2- positive transformation lines showed complex opening and closing modes, and there was interaction between in vivo overdose and inhibition of EPF2 expression and photoperiod, which regulated stomatal opening and closing. (6) starch content determination showed that there was no significant difference in stomatal opening and closing. The trend of starch accumulation in epf2 leaves was the same as that in control leaves under different photoperiod. The starch accumulation of epf2- strain decreased significantly under long sunlight, and the starch accumulation pattern of epf2- strain was opposite to that of control line under short and middle sunshine, that is, the starch accumulation of dark night was significantly higher than that of sunshine.
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