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发布时间:2019-05-23 23:37
【摘要】:作为世界三大粮食作物之一,玉米(Zea mays)是一种集粮食、饲料、工业原料于一体的高产粮食作物,在世界和我国农业生产中占着举足轻重的地位。而玉米籽粒作为其产量最直接的体现载体,因此,研究此领域的相关基因对于了解玉米产量形成的遗传机理具有重要的科学意义。籽粒突变体已然成为玉米研究领域的热点之一。本研究从玉米Mutator转座子活性系与郑单958杂交后代中筛选到一个玉米籽粒变小的突变体,命名为sk-like1。经多代自交发现该突变性状依然表型明显且能够稳定遗传,经遗传测验结果得知野生型与突变体比例符合3:1,符合孟德尔遗传规律,确定玉米小粒突变体sk-like1由一个隐性单基因控制。与正常籽粒相比,突变籽粒在长度、宽度、厚度等方面无明显差异,但在百粒重上有着较显著差异。突变体约有小于10%的出苗概率,但具体到每一分离穗上的小籽粒能否成苗,实际上与它的突变程度有很大的关系。在该基因定位工作上,首先利用BSR-seq技术将sk-like1基因初定位在玉米第8号染色体165~169Mb区间。在此基础上,通过构建以玉米自交系Mo17为背景的遗传定位群体,经SSR、sequenom等实验,将sk-like1基因的定位区间逐步缩小至380kb范围。可继续在此区间内寻找SSR、In Del标记及SNP位点,以求进一步缩小定位区间。根据玉米B73参考基因组序列发现这380kb区间内有15个编码蛋白的基因,拟逐个检测这些基因在突变体和野生型之间的实际表达量差异,再结合进一步的精细定位结果,以期确定sk-like1的候选基因。
[Abstract]:As one of the three major grain crops in the world, corn (Zea mays) is a kind of high-yield grain crop which integrates grain, feed and industrial raw materials, which plays an important role in agricultural production in the world and in China. Corn grain is the most direct embodiment of its yield. Therefore, it is of great scientific significance to study the related genes in this field in order to understand the genetic mechanism of corn yield formation. Grain mutants have become one of the hotspots in the field of corn research. In this study, a mutant named sk-like1. was screened from the progenies of maize Mutator transposon active line and Zhengdan 958 hybrid. After multiple generations of self-cross, it was found that the mutant was still phenotypic and stable. The results of genetic test showed that the ratio of wild type to mutant was in accordance with 3 鈮,




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