[Abstract]:Hepatitis B is a global public health problem that is a serious threat to human health. At present, the prevention and treatment of hepatitis B is divided into two parts: prevention and treatment, and the preventive vaccine of hepatitis B has been proved to be highly immunogenic and protective, and can effectively prevent the hepatitis B virus infection. The ultimate goal of the treatment of hepatitis B is to prevent liver fibrosis, liver failure, and progression of liver cancer, around which a number of anti-HBV-resistant drugs are produced, but none of these drugs address the liver injury problems of all hepatitis B patients, And drug resistance is also one of the difficulties in the prevention and treatment of hepatitis B. Therefore, it is urgent to develop a method capable of completely curing hepatitis B, and the therapeutic vaccine is one of the most promising therapeutic methods. In order to improve the immune efficacy of the hepatitis B therapeutic vaccine, the researchers conducted a large number of vaccine construction methods and different immunization strategies. The use of cytokines with immunopotentiation as a vaccine adjuvant is one of the strategies[1]. Some studies have shown that IL15 can enhance antigen-specific cellular immune response, specific CTL responses, and increase the survival of memory T-lymphocytes[2]. The recombinant plasmid pVR-S, the recombinant adenovirus rAdv-S and the recombinant poxvirus rMVA-S, which express the HBsAg gene of the hepatitis B virus, are selected to be combined into different immune strategies, and the recombinant adenovirus rAdv-S and the recombinant poxvirus rMVA-S are combined into different immune strategies, and the pVR-IL15 gene adjuvant is used for immunizing to study the effect of the recombinant adenovirus rMVA-S on the immune response level induced by different immune strategies. The results of the experiments show that in the humoral immune response, the pVR-IL15 gene adjuvant can enhance the humoral immune response induced by all the immune strategies other than the individual immune-recombinant viral strategy in this study. The humoral immune response level induced by rAdv-S is higher than that of rMVA-S in the strategy of single-immune recombinant virus, one-time immune pVR-S and one-time immune recombinant virus, two immunopVR-S and one-time immune recombinant virus. The humoral immune effects induced by the three kinds of immune strategies are two immune pVR-S and one-time immune-recombination virus strategy, one-time immune pVR-S and one-time immune-recombination virus strategy, and the strategy of the recombinant virus is separately immunized. The level of humoral immune response induced by rMVA-S was lower than that of cross-immunized rAdv-S and rMVA-S. The results of cellular immune response indicate that the pVR-IL15 gene adjuvant can enhance the level of immune response induced by all the immune strategies in the experiment. The results of the two-time recombinant virus strategy showed no difference in the cellular immune response induced by the immune-homologous vector virus and the heterologous vector virus, and there was no difference in the level of the cellular immune response induced by the one-time immune pVR-S and one-time immune-recombination virus strategy and the two-time recombinant virus strategy. The level of cellular immune response induced by two immune pVR-S and two immune-recombinant virus strategies is the best in each group of immune strategies. on the whole, the pVR-IL15 gene adjuvant can enhance the humoral immune response induced by the recombinant virus in each mouse immune scheme, The highest immune response level of pVR-IL15 gene adjuvant can be increased by 3.6 times. The immune response induced by rAdv-S in humoral immunity was stronger than that of rMVA-S, and the level of humoral immune response induced by rMVA-S was lower than that of rMVA-S and rMVA-S. In cellular immunity, the cellular immune levels induced by the immune-homologous carrier virus and the heterologous vector virus were not different, and the immune response of the primary immune pVR-S and the one-time immune-recombinant virus and the two-time recombinant viral strategy were comparable. Both humoral and cellular immunity show the best immune response induced by the combination of two recombinant plasmids with two recombinant viruses.
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