水稻rbcS 启动子控制的外源基因在转基因水稻中的特异性表达
3期刘巧泉等: 水稻rbcS启动子控制的外源基因在转基因水稻中的特异性表达
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LIU Qiao-Quan1,2, YU Heng-Xiu1, ZHANG Wen-Juan2, WANG Hong-Mei2, GU Ming-Hong1*
(1Key Laboratory of Plant Functional Genomics of Jiangsu Province, 2College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou225009, China)
Abstract: To use different types of promoters intransgenic rice research, the 5'-upstream regula-tion region of rice Rubisco small subunit gene(rbcS) was cloned from a Chinese cultivarWuyunjing 8, and its sequences were confirmedby comparison with the known genome se-quences of both japonica and indica rice. Thecloned rbcS promoter was fused to the 5'-up-stream of GUS (beta-glucuronidase) coding re-gion in a binary vector (Fig.1), and introducedinto rice by Agrogacterium-mediatedtransformation. The integration of the rbcS-GUSfusion gene in transgenic rice was confirmed byPCR analysis (Fig.2). The results of both his-tochemical staining and quantitative analysis ofGUS activity showed that the expression levelof GUS fusion gene was significantly strongerin leaf blade and sheath than in other organs oftransgenic rice plants, and the GUS activity wasrestricted to the mesophyll cells of leaf tissue(Figs.3, 4), which showed that the rice rbcS pro-
moter could control not only the tissue- but alsothe cell-specific expression of foreign genes intransgenic rice. The present results also demon-strated that light induction had a significant ef-fect on the enhancement of transgene’s expres-sion when regulated by the rice rbcS promoterin transgenic rice (Fig.5). Our results showed thatthe rice rbcS promoter might be very useful forthe expression of target genes in transgenic rice,with particularly high efficiency in leaf tissues.
Key words: rice rbcS promoter; transgenic rice; geneexpression; GUS activity; light induction
This work was supported by China National High-Tech “863” Pro-gram (No. 2004AA212092), National Natural Science Foundation ofChina (Nos. 30470992, 30300226), Natural Science Foundation ofJiangsu Province (Nos. BG2002301, BK2003214), and Fok Ying TungEducation Foundation of the Ministry of Education (94019).
*Corresponding author (E-mail: gumh@yzu.edu.cn; Tel: 86-514-
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