本文关键词: 膏体充填开采 水理性质 覆岩变形 应力演化 地表沉陷 等效采厚 出处:《中国矿业大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The coal measures of Taiping mine field in Shandong Province are covered by the Quaternary loose layer, the average thickness of the loose layer is 158 m, and a medium water-rich aquifer exists at the bottom of the loose layer, and the thickness of the bedrock in the Liannan mining area of Taiping Coal Mine is 0.32. 6 m. Because the bedrock is thin, the coal face Liunan 01 of Taiping Coal Mine belongs to the typical coal seam mining under thin bedrock of thick and loose aquifer. This paper adopts the methods of experimental study, theoretical analysis, physical model and numerical simulation. The long-term mechanical properties and water stability of paste filling materials and the mechanism of action in the process of filling mining were studied, and the caving mining method was also studied. The characteristics of deformation movement and stress evolution of overburden and backfill in various mining methods such as backfill mining and strip filling intermittent mining are comparatively analyzed and the criteria for evaluating the water stability of paste filling materials are established. A reasonable and efficient mining scheme is proposed to provide a theoretical basis for the actual mining of the mine. The main results are as follows: 1) SL cementing material. The paste filling materials with fly ash and river sand as raw materials have higher early strength and later strength, which can meet the needs of self-stability and post-strength of the filling body. According to the evaluation standard of water stability engineering, the water stability of paste filling material is medium to strong, softening property, strong disintegration resistance, no expansion, stable weak permeability filling consolidation body can be used as relative water barrier. On the basis of summing up and analyzing the action mechanism of the paste filling and the influencing factors of the filling effect, it is beneficial to the plaster filling mining under the water body. Physical and numerical simulation methods are used to study the different methods of stratified filling mining in Liunan 01 face of Taiping Coal Mine. The results show that the four-layer mining is finished. The disturbance degree to overburden rock is the biggest by the four-layer full caving mining, followed by one stratified caving mining and the other filling mining and the four-layered total filling mining. The disturbance degree of overburden is minimum and the control effect of surface subsidence is the best. The numerical simulation results show that the equivalent mining thickness is consistent with the measured equivalent mining thickness. In Taiping coal mine, the amount of underconnected roof and roof and floor moving close control effect is very good, paste filling mining can effectively control the surface subsidence. In combination with similar practical engineering mining experience, it can be known that under the condition of thin bedrock mining near loose aquifer, the filling ability of complete consolidation of upper stratification plays a better role in protecting the water of the lower stratified coal seam. In the case of roof collapse, only two or three layers can be mined by paste filling. The thickness and the mining range should be strictly controlled when the four layers are completely filled, and the safety is the highest when all the four layers are filled with intermittent mining. The paste consolidation formed in the first three layers can effectively restrain the development of overburden rock damage and play a beneficial role in the four layers mining.
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