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发布时间:2018-04-23 15:34

  本文选题:露天边坡 + 内排土场 ; 参考:《北京科技大学》2017年博士论文

【摘要】:排土场滑坡、泥石流等灾害的防控,既关系到矿山的安全生产,又关系到人民生命财产安全。本文以内蒙古赤峰市元宝山露天煤矿内排土场河道迁移工程为背景,采用现场调研、室内试验、室外监测、理论分析和数值模拟相结合的方法,开展填方体沉降变形规律研究和边坡稳定性分析,为该矿山河道迁移工程建设在理论上提供依据,对实现河道安全迁移具有重要的意义。本文完成的主要工作和研究成果如下:(1)通过对填土材料砂砾石土流变试验分析,提出了一种适合于砂砾石土的经验蠕变模型,该模型的应力-应变关系由指数函数表示,应变-时间关系由改进的双曲线函数表示;结果与试验数据进行相比,所建立的蠕变模型能准确地描述砂砾石土在不同应力水平下的蠕变过程,且具有较高的拟合精度;采用应力水平0.2、0.4、0.6、0.8试验数据建立蠕变模型,同时采用应力水平0.3、0.5、0.7试验曲线进行预测,预测结果与试验数据进行对比,新建经验蠕变模型不仅具备较高的拟合精度,而且具有较强的预测能力;通过对经验蠕变模型在FLAC~(3D)软件的二次开发,模拟试验加载过程,数值计算结果和试验结果表明,两者曲线吻合较好,验证了采用FLAC~(3D)数值计算的可靠性,为后文FLAC~(3D)蠕变工程应用奠定了基础。(2)基于Burgers蠕变模型对排土场散体沉降特性进行分析,利用分层总和法的思想,将垂直填筑的排土场进行分层处理,在排土过程中,底层在上覆“自重”变荷载作用下发生沉降变形,于是建立一种针对排土场沉降的定常Burgers蠕变模型;同时对定常Burgers蠕变模型中粘滞系数进行改进,引入非线性粘滞系数,提出一种能够描述排土场沉降全过程的蠕变模型,该模型从理论解析角度推导出排土场填筑动态过程中沉降量、工后沉降量及累计沉降量计算公式。以齐大山铁矿排土场监测数据进行实例验算,并通过模拟退火-粒子群混合算法、模拟退火算法、粒子群算法和非线性最小二乘法四种方法进行全局搜索,结果表明,模拟退火-粒子群混合算法是一种较为理想、适用的方法,误差较小,曲线刻画程度也较高。(3)基于元宝山露天煤矿西排土场监测数据对内排土场蠕变参数进行反演,获取定常Burgers模型计算参数;采用FLAC~(3D)软件分别对细粒土质砂(选用Burgers模型)、砂砾石土(选用二次开发的砂砾石模型)的填土过程进行数值计算,分析内排土场填方体推进不同位置时各监测点的沉降规律。在内排土场填方体河道位置选择分析中,根据各观测点数值计算的结果,结合沉降经验函数,建立了河道占用内排土场顶部平台最大位置和填土推进时间之间的关系式。结果表明,当填土推进时间为2年时,建议河道位置范围选择距离原点小于或等于136.8 m,最终填土推进距离为310 m。(4)在确定填土推进距离以及河道建设范围的基础上,基于饱和-非饱和渗流理论和边坡稳定性分析方法,揭示了在持续强降雨和短时大暴雨作用下填方体边坡渗流特性及边坡安全系数变化规律。计算结果表明,填方体边坡安全系数随降雨的持续呈单调递减趋势;排水垫层对填方体边坡稳定性影响较大,内排土场填方体铺设排水垫层情况下,填方体边坡初始安全系数为1.347,经历持续强降雨或短时大暴雨情况下安全系数仍保持1.3以上,均能满足规范设计要求;内排土场填方体无铺设排水垫层情况下,填方体边坡初始安全系数仅为0.901,不符合规范要求;通过对排水垫层厚度影响分析,当排水垫层厚度设置3m以上(包含3m)时,初始水位线受排水垫层厚度影响较小,此时边坡安全系数受排水垫层厚度影响也较小,且边坡安全系数大于1.3,满足规范要求。针对元宝山露天煤矿河道迁移工程所面临的主要问题和技术难点,本文在研究过程中,取得了以下创新性成果:(1)基于经典的Burgers蠕变模型,通过分析排土场填土过程,建立了一种适用于排土场动态排土过程及竣工后的土体沉降蠕变模型;(2)建立了一种适合于砂砾石土的蠕变经验模型;(3)基于饱和-非饱和渗流理论及其边坡稳定性分析理论,对传统极限平衡公式进行修改,实现了在持续强降雨和短时大暴雨条件下内排土场填方体边坡稳定性分析,揭示了降雨入渗对内排土场填方体边坡稳定性的影响规律。
[Abstract]:In this paper , the author puts forward an empirical creep model suitable for sand gravel soil by analyzing the rheological tests of sand and gravel soil in Chifeng City , Inner Mongolia .
Results Compared with the experimental data , the creep model established can accurately describe the creep process of sand - gravel soil under different stress levels , and has higher fitting accuracy .
The creep model is established by using the stress level of 0.2 , 0.4 , 0.6 and 0.8 , meanwhile , the prediction results are compared with the test data by using a stress level of 0.3 , 0.5 and 0.7 , and the new empirical creep model not only has higher fitting accuracy , but also has strong prediction capability ;
Through the secondary development of the empirical creep model in FLAC ~ ( 3D ) software , the simulation test loading process , numerical results and test results show that the two curves are in good agreement and the reliability of FLAC ~ ( 3D ) creep engineering is established .
A creep model can be used to describe the whole process of the settlement . The results show that the simulated annealing - particle swarm hybrid algorithm is an ideal and suitable method . The simulation annealing algorithm , particle swarm optimization algorithm and nonlinear least square method are used for global search . The results show that the simulated annealing - particle swarm optimization algorithm is a perfect method .
Using FLAC ~ ( 3D ) software , we calculate the filling process of fine - grained soil sand ( the model of sand - gravel with secondary development ) , and analyze the relationship between the maximum position of the top platform and the filling advancing time . The results show that the slope stability analysis method based on the saturated - unsaturated seepage theory and the slope stability analysis method is based on the calculation results of each observation point . The results show that the safety factor of the filling body slope decreases with the continuous rainfall .
The initial safety factor of the filling body slope is 1.347 under the condition of large slope stability of the filling body by the drainage cushion layer , and the initial safety factor of the filling body side slope is 1.347 under the condition that the filling body of the filling body is laid with the drainage cushion layer , and the safety factor of the filling body side slope is still more than 1.3 , and the initial safety factor of the filling body side slope is only 0.901 under the condition of no laying drainage cushion layer , and the filling body slope does not meet the specification requirements ;
By analyzing the influence of the thickness of the drainage cushion layer , when the thickness of the drainage cushion layer is more than 3m ( including 3m ) , the initial water level line is influenced by the thickness of the drainage cushion layer , and the safety factor of the slope is smaller than that of the drainage cushion layer , and the safety factor of the slope is greater than 1.3 , and meets the specification requirements .
( 2 ) a creep experience model suitable for gravel soil is established ;
( 3 ) Based on the theory of saturated - unsaturated seepage theory and its slope stability analysis theory , the traditional limit equilibrium formula is modified to realize the stability analysis of the slope stability of the earth filling body in the condition of continuous strong rainfall and short - time heavy rain , and the influence law of the rainfall infiltration on the stability of the filling body slope in the inner drainage area is revealed .



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