本文选题:准格尔煤田 + 阴山古陆 ; 参考:《河北工程大学》2015年硕士论文
[Abstract]:The Zhunger coalfield is rich in coal resources, and many rare metals, such as lithium-gallium-rare earth, have been found in many coal mines. On the basis of summarizing the enrichment theory of rare metals in coal put forward by predecessors, the corresponding simulation experiments are designed to further verify and deepen the enrichment theory of rare metals in coal. The petrological characteristics, mineralogical characteristics, major elements, trace elements and REE contents of rock samples in Yinshan area were analyzed by means of polarizing microscope ICP-MSX XRD and XRF. It is compared with the corresponding characteristics of coal in many areas of Zhunger coalfield. It is found that quartz feldspar and mica are the main components in the rock samples of Yinshan ancient land while kaolinite quartz calcite and pyrite are the main minerals in the coal of Zhunger coalfield. According to the paleogeographic and paleogeographic conditions at that time, the corresponding simulation experiments were carried out using the knowledge of geology and geochemistry. Rock dissolution experiments were carried out in the paleoclimatic pH and temperature range using various acid media, and then simulated adsorption experiments were carried out with clay mineral kaolin for lithium and gallium containing solutions. The adsorption characteristics of kaolin to two rare metal ions were obtained. In combination with the geological background around the Zhungeer coalfield, the enrichment mechanism of lithium, gallium and rare earths has been obtained as follows: (1) in a relatively small pH environment, lithium can be released in large quantities from rocks in the source area in a short period of time to form a higher lithium solution. Then it was adsorbed by clay minerals, completed a enrichment process, and entered into the peat swamp with clay minerals. (2) Gallium may have completed a enrichment process with the weathering of rocks to bauxite. The REE was then released from the rocks as a part of the terrestrial clastic material into the peat swamp under the simulated natural conditions and then adsorbed by the clay minerals and finally into the peat swamp. However, the accumulation mechanism of humic acid may be better adsorbed to rare earths, which needs to be further verified by peat swamp simulation experiments. This study mainly discusses the migration process of rare metal elements from rock to peat swamp, which enriches the enrichment and metallogenic theory of rare metals in coal type. The preparation for the next simulation experiment of peat swamp is made.
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