[Abstract]:The effects of raw material size of oolitic hematite on the effect of depth reduction, particle size distribution and micromorphology of iron particles were investigated by chemical analysis, scanning electron microscope (SEM) (SEM) and automatic measurement system (BPMA),. The results show that decreasing the particle size of the raw material is beneficial to the increase of the metallization rate and the separation index, and the increasing rate increases with the decrease of the particle size of the raw material, and the smaller the particle size of the raw material, the larger the particle size of iron in the reduction product. In the aspect of iron particle size frequency distribution, the small size iron particle occupies the main body, and with the increase of particle size, the particle size frequency of iron particle decreases rapidly, and the shape of iron particle in the reduction product is mainly spherical, massive, rod and chain. With the increase of raw material size, the morphology of iron particles in the reduction product becomes more and more complex. Reducing the granularity of raw material is beneficial to the improvement of deep reduction effect of oolitic hematite and the growth of iron particles.
【作者单位】: 东北大学资源与土木工程学院;
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