[Abstract]:Cutting head is one of the key components of the roadheader, and its cutting performance determines the working performance of the roadheader. In the design process of the cutting head, the design of the installation parameters of the cutter will affect the load, the cutting performance and the working efficiency of the roadheader. Therefore, it is of great practical significance to study the installation parameters of the cutting head. In this paper, the cutting head of a type of cantilever longitudinal roadheader is taken as the research object. Based on discrete element method, the working process of cutting coal and rock of cutting head is simulated, and the cutting angle and rotation angle are studied and analyzed to the cutting performance of cutting head. The influence of cutting load provides theoretical basis for structural improvement and optimization design of cutting head. The main research work is as follows: (1) according to the basic structure characteristics of the cutting head of the cantilever type roadheader, the arrangement parameters and the installation angle of the cutting head are deeply studied, and the virtual assembly method of the cutting head is put forward. By analyzing the movement track, load and working condition parameters of the cutting head, the simplified form of movement of the cutting coal and rock is obtained. (2) the three-dimensional discrete element model of coal and rock is established. According to the structural characteristics and basic characteristics of coal and rock, a method of particle generation based on EDEM is proposed. According to the API function provided by EDEM, the external particle factory plug-in is developed by using C language and combining with the VS compiling environment. The Hertz-Mindlin bonding model is used between coal and rock particles, and the Hertz-Mindlin non-slip model is used between coal and rock particles and geometry. By using uniaxial compression and Brazilian splitting numerical simulation test, the mesoscopic parameters of coal and rock particles are analyzed. (3) the dynamic failure process of cutting coal and rock is simulated and analyzed by using EDEM software. In this paper, the fracture and fracture process of coal and rock under the action of cutting head tooth cutting are analyzed from a meso point of view. Based on the simulation of coal and rock cutting with different cutting head gear installation angles, the cutting angle, rotation angle and the influence relation of cutting load on the cutting performance are obtained, which provides a reference value for reasonable selection of the installation parameters of the cutting head.
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