[Abstract]:Since the technical transformation in 2001, the lower-ditch coal mine has actively promoted the support technology of the anchor bolt, and 100% realized the support of the anchor net. After more than ten years of technical accumulation, it has been able to master the roadway bolt support technology under the general conditions. but with the increase of the mining depth and the mining intensity, an isolated island working face, a complicated difficult tunnel such as a tunnel and a multiplexing tunnel face in the face of the mining face, are difficult to maintain in the prior art, the safety of the miners is greatly threatened, and the safety production is seriously affected. In order to ensure the safe and smooth production of the mine, this study will analyze the bolt supporting scheme of the tunnel in the original coal seam, and find the reasonable support scheme. On the basis of the theoretical analysis, a large number of field tests have been carried out on the basis of the theoretical analysis, the relevant mechanical parameters of the surrounding rock of the coal seam and the characteristics of the distribution law of the ore pressure are mastered, and the relevant supporting parameters of the high-stress strong support are determined. By means of the Fac3d numerical simulation software, the plastic region of the tunnel surrounding rock of the bolt support scheme is simulated and analyzed with the stress distribution and the tunnel displacement in the vertical direction. Combined with the construction, monitoring and detailed technical and economic analysis of the site, it is determined that the high-stress anchor bolt support technology is suitable for the tunnel condition of the next ditch mine, and the safety of the bolt support scheme is verified.
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