本文关键词:紫金山次生栎林、马尾松林枯落物与表层土壤的交互作用研究 出处:《南京林业大学》2016年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
更多相关文章: 次生栎林 马尾松 枯落物 表层土壤 交互作用
[Abstract]:Litter and soil layer as an important level of forest ecosystem, regulate runoff, soil and water conservation, water conservation and other important ecological functions. This article through to the Nanjing Purple Mountain oak forest, Pinus massoniana forest, litter decomposition rate and nutrient release characteristics, determination of physicochemical properties of soil and earthworm population, research secondary oak forest, pine forest interaction of two kinds of litter and soil, the main conclusions are as follows: (1) secondary oak forest, there are significant differences in litter quality of Pinus massoniana forest, Quercus variabilis forest litter layer N, P content was greater than that of Pinus massoniana and Pinus massoniana. Litter C/N C/P, greater than the secondary oak forest, significant differences (P0.01). After 1A decomposition of Masson Pine litter dry matter weight loss rate is less than the secondary oak forest, significant difference (P0.05). Secondary oak forest, horse tailed forest litter decomposition are presented A significant seasonal. (2) were placed in oak forest and pine forest in secondary oak forest and pine litter, litter were placed in oak forest and pine forest in the fall, after 1A decomposition, the weight loss rate were significant difference (P0.01), and two types of the litter in the secondary oak forest in the weight loss rate is higher, the faster decomposition rate. Two kinds of litter in the secondary oak forest and pine forest in half-life and 95% decomposition time, there were significant difference (P0.01), and showed that the secondary oak forest soil environment more conducive to the decomposition litter decomposition. (3) 1a, were placed in oak forest, Pinus massoniana forest of Quercus variabilis forest litter and Masson Pine litter N, P residues were significant difference (P0.05), shows that the soil under the secondary oak forest litter decomposition environment to dry the nutrient release promoting effect that is not. The soil conditions are the same as the type of community forest has a significant impact on the litter nutrient release. (4) different types of forest litter on soil bulk density, capillary porosity, water holding capacity and capillary moisture effect. Secondary oak forest in the bulk density of soil under Masson Pine litter than low capillary the porosity is larger, the water is better. So the broadleaf litter is conifer more conducive to the improvement of soil structure. (5) different types of forest litter decomposition and nutrient release effects on soil nutrient content and pH. Different forest litter decomposition on soil total content of N and N have a significant impact; the P element in the soil of strong liquidity in the ecosystem, and are in the summer the content reached the maximum; two kinds of forest litter on soil total P content had no significant effect (P0.05); secondary oak forest and pine forest soil available phosphorus and two Changes of the content of forest litter layer in P is roughly the same as that of litter decomposition on soil available phosphorus content had significant effects; effects of different forest litter decomposition on soil available K concentration significantly. The secondary oak forest and pine forest soil pH value had no obvious seasonal variation, respectively 5.43 and 4.62, secondary oak forest is acidic, strongly acidic pine forest, Quercus variabilis forest litter decomposition helps to increase soil pH value. (6) litter nutrient contents and soil nutrient contents have certain correlation. The secondary oak forest, pine forest litter layer of soil total N content and N were significantly correlated (P0.05), and secondary oak forest strong correlation; secondary oak forest and pine forest litter layer and soil available P content in P also showed a significant correlation (P0.05), and the degree of correlation is close to two; forest litter layer and the content of P There was no significant correlation between soil P and soil available K; secondary oak forest and pine forest K in the litter layer is low. (7) the number of earthworms in the surface soil of different litter has great difference. The secondary oak forest soil in the average number of earthworms was 87 /m2, while the number of earthworms in the soil of Pinus massoniana forest an average of 33 /m2, significantly lower than the number of secondary oak forest soil earthworm, and litter type has a significant impact on the number of earthworms.
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