本文关键词: 喀斯特山地草地 人为干扰 土壤养分 植被多样性 出处:《水土保持研究》2016年05期 论文类型:期刊论文
[Abstract]:In order to promote the restoration and reconstruction of karst grassland ecosystem in northwest Guangxi, a comprehensive survey was conducted for three consecutive years. Pearson correlation coefficient method and principal component method were used to study the effects of human disturbance on vegetation diversity and soil nutrients in karst grassland. Anthropogenic disturbance has a significant effect on vegetation diversity in karst mountainous grassland. Anthropogenic disturbance significantly reduced vegetation coverage, aboveground biomass, richness index and diversity index (p 0.05). There was no significant effect on the evenness index and dominance index of vegetation in karst mountainous grassland (p0.05). The results showed that anthropogenic interference did not change the uniform distribution of species and the fundamental change of species in habitat, but the anthropogenic interference significantly increased soil bulk density and pH value (p 0.05). Soil water content and soil conductivity were decreased, but the changes of four nutrient elements (carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium) were not consistent. However, there was no significant effect on soil phosphorus. The decrease of soil available nutrients was higher than that of soil total nutrients. Pearson correlation analysis indicated that the soil available nutrients were more sensitive than the total soil nutrients. Pearson correlation analysis showed that the soil environmental factors affecting the vegetation diversity were different for the anthropogenic disturbance areas and the control areas. Soil nutrients and available nutrients play a leading role to some extent, and the correlation coefficient between artificial disturbance area and control area can be known. There was a significant positive correlation between soil nutrients in anthropogenic disturbance region and control area, which indicated that the internal factors of soil system were in dynamic change and balance, and under artificial disturbance. As an organic whole of interaction and influence, they showed unity and synchronism, and did not change the interaction effect between soil nutrient factors. And the soil total nutrients were significantly positively correlated with their corresponding available nutrients, which indicated that the available nutrients mainly depended on the total soil nutrients. The results of redundancy analysis showed that the available nutrients were mainly dependent on the soil total nutrients. For the artificial disturbance area and the control area, the sequence of vegetation and soil had no change, but the artificial interference had a certain effect on soil nutrient content, resulting in the difference of RDA sequence diagram between them. The sequence axis can reflect the gradient characteristics of soil factors in karst area, which indicates that it is feasible to use soil nutrient as a sensitive soil indicator to characterize the relationship between soil and vegetation in karst mountainous grassland.
【作者单位】: 中国科学院亚热带农业生态研究所亚热带农业生态过程重点实验室;中国科学院环江喀斯特生态系统观测研究站;中国科学院大学;
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