发布时间:2018-01-25 16:57
本文关键词: 盐碱土 洗盐 深松耕 排盐沟 出处:《江苏农业科学》2017年09期 论文类型:期刊论文
【摘要】:为研究旱作盐碱农田的有效洗盐方式,在旱作条件下设置排盐沟、深松耕等不同处理,开展农田快速淋盐试验。结果表明:(1)"灌水量2 700 m3/hm~2+排盐沟+深松耕"处理对040 cm表层土壤全盐淋洗效果最佳,增加灌水量反而会减弱其排盐作用;(2)2 700 m3/hm~2灌水量下,3个排盐处理能均等有效地降低土壤耕层040 cm中SO_4~(2-)、K~+、Na~+、Cl~-等盐离子含量,明显消除20100 cm Mg2+聚集;升高灌水量至5 100 m~3/hm~2,深松耕处理的排盐效果部分减弱,对照组80 cm Mg~(2+)聚集现象消失。"灌水定额2 700 m3/hm~2+排盐沟+深松耕"模式全盐和分盐的淋洗效果最佳,为盐碱地改良提供了技术参考。
[Abstract]:In order to study the effective way of salt washing in dry cropping saline-alkali farmland, different treatments such as salt drainage ditch and deep soaking were set up under dry farming conditions. The experiment of rapid salt leaching in farmland was carried out. The results showed that the treatment of "Irrigation 2 700 m3 / hm ~ (2) row salt ditch deep loosening" had the best effect on the total salt leaching of 0 40 cm surface soil. On the contrary, increasing the amount of irrigation will weaken the effect of salt removal. Under the irrigation amount of 2 700 m ~ 3 / h ~ (-2), the three salt removal treatments can effectively reduce the amount of so _ 4 ~ + ~ (-1) in 040 cm of soil plough layer and reduce K ~ (+ +) Na ~ (2 +). The accumulation of 20100 cm Mg2 was obviously eliminated by the content of ClO- isosalt ions. When the irrigation amount was increased to 5 100 m ~ (3 / h) / h ~ (-2), the salt removal effect of deep soaking treatment was partly weakened. The accumulation of 80 cm Mg~(2 disappeared in the control group. "Irrigation quota 2 700 m3 / hmg 2 drain deep soaking" model had the best elution effect of total salt and salt separation. It provides technical reference for saline-alkali soil improvement.
【作者单位】: 北方民族大学生物科学与工程学院;宁夏农林科学院农业资源与环境研究所;
【基金】:国家自然科学基金(编号:31060180) 国家科技支撑计划课题(编号:2013BAC02B05) 2016年研究生创新项目(编号:YCX1648)
【正文快照】: 随着世界范围内资源和生态环境地恶化,土壤盐渍化逐渐成为制约农业健康发展的症结[1]。我国34个省级行政区中有17个出现不同程度的土壤盐碱化问题,主要集中分布在北方和滨海地区,盐渍土总面积已达到3 455万hm2[2-3]。面对耕地面积日益萎缩的残酷现实,开发改良盐碱地能快速提高,