本文关键词: 高原森林 森林昆虫 物种多样性 垂直分布 出处:《西北农林科技大学》2017年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:In order to study the vertical distribution of forest insect diversity and its relationship with forest health, the forest in western Sichuan Plateau was studied. The structure of forest insect community at different elevations was studied. The main results were as follows: 1. The plant species, insect species and their correlation with altitude in the forests at different elevations in western Sichuan Plateau were analyzed. The results showed that the richness of plant species decreased with the increase of altitude. There was a significant correlation between the decrease of species richness of herbaceous plants and the increase of altitude. There was a high correlation between the decline of species richness of woody plants and the increase of altitude. However, with the increase of altitude, the number of insect species decreased. There was a high correlation between them, especially the number of insects decreased significantly with the increase of altitude, and the correlation coefficient was 0.96. The species richness of Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera decreased significantly with the increase of altitude, and the species richness of Lepidoptera, Coleoptera and Hymenoptera decreased with the increase of altitude. There was a significant correlation between the decrease of Lepidoptera species richness and elevation. The plant species and insect species of primitive forest and artificial forest at different elevation levels in western Sichuan Plateau were analyzed. The results showed that the vegetation of artificial forest was relatively single, and the number of plant species of plantation was lower than that of primitive forest at different altitude, especially the number of woody plant in artificial forest. The number of insect species in artificial forest is lower than that in primitive forest, and in the forest area above 2900 meters above sea level, the number of insect species in artificial forest is significantly lower than that in primitive forest, including Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Coleoptera, Lepidoptera and Coleoptera. The number of species in the artificial forest was less than that in the primitive forest, and the number of Lepidoptera species was significantly lower than that in the primitive forest at different altitudes, and the altitude was more than 3500 meters. The number of Lepidoptera species was significantly lower than that of primitive forest. The species of Coleoptera was significantly lower than that of primitive forest at different elevations, but the species of Hymenoptera insects was significantly lower than that of primitive forest. There was no significant difference between plantations and primitive forests at different elevations. The relationship between plant species richness, insect species richness and forest health level at different elevations was analyzed. The results showed that there was no direct relationship between forest health level and forest elevation gradient. There was no significant correlation between them. There was a moderate correlation between the forest health level and the elevation gradient of the forest, but it did not reach the significant level. There was a moderate correlation between forest health level at different elevations and the number of plant species, and there was also a moderate correlation with the number of insect species, but there was no obvious correlation in the original forest.
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