本文关键词: 西北地区 草地资源保护 可持续发展 出处:《甘肃农业大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:The northwest region has abundant grassland resources, which is a natural protection barrier for conserving water, purifying air and enriching wildlife. It is also the main distribution area of minority population in our country. Animal husbandry is one of the main economic sources of northwest grassland. Grassland resources provide a basic material guarantee for herdsmen's life. The protection and sustainable development of grassland resources not only play an important role in environmental protection throughout the country, but also improve the living standards of ethnic minority people. Important measures to safeguard the stability and prosperity of the motherland. Gansu, Qinghai, Xinjiang, three provinces (regions) have a large amount of grassland resources, and all three provinces (regions) belong to one of the five major pastoral areas. Natural grassland resources, which account for 38.09% of the total grassland resources in China, are the main grassland areas in Northwest China. This paper takes the grassland resources of Gansu, Qinghai and Xinjiang provinces as the main research objects, and takes the development of grassland resources in the Northwest region as the main body. Taking the achievements and deficiencies in the process of grassland resources protection as the research content, and taking the sustainable development of grassland resources as the research goal, the main factors affecting the protection and development of grassland resources are found out, and the relevant management suggestions are put forward. In the aspects of society, culture and policy, the environmental characteristics of northwest grassland were analyzed. In climate, temperature, rainfall and sunshine duration were selected as the analysis factors, compared with the degradation rate of grassland resources in Northwest China. Regression analysis and comparative analysis of social development and policy implementation with grassland resources development, The results showed that climatic factors had little effect on grassland resources protection and development. The effect of policy implementation on grassland resources protection was significant, and social development had great influence on grassland resources development. Sustainable development was subordinate to environment and economy. Technology and other aspects emphasize the balance between the exploitation and utilization of natural or material resources and the balance of development. In fact, it refers to the sustainability of a specific system in a region. The study shows that the sustainable development of grassland resources is closely related to ecological environment, population, human capital level, market demand and supply quantity and grassland culture. Based on the analysis of the factors affecting the sustainable development of grassland resources, the corresponding management suggestions are put forward. Firstly, according to the geographical location, the grazing areas are allocated reasonably, and the mixed grazing is based on the variety of livestock, in order to improve the production efficiency and distribute the summer reasonably. The area of winter pasture can make the utilization rate of pasture reach the optimum effect. Secondly, the animal husbandry facilities that meet the market demand should be set up, and the extensive nomadic animal husbandry will be gradually transformed into a scientific and reasonable modern animal husbandry production mode, and the utilization ratio of livestock products will be improved. Third, different management measures should be taken for pastoral and settled herdsmen to avoid a sense of injustice. Appropriate economic compensation should be given to herdsmen, population size should be controlled, human capital should be raised, and education in pastoral areas should be developed. Combining nomadic culture with scientific methods, we should take effective policy measures to protect grassland resources from the aspects of morality and law, and perfect social security policies.
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