本文选题:河套灌区 切入点:土壤盐分 出处:《扬州大学》2015年硕士论文 论文类型:学位论文
[Abstract]:Taking Hetao Irrigation District as the research object, the spatial variability of surface soil salinity was studied by descriptive statistical analysis and geostatistical analysis based on field investigation and sampling. The natural and human factors that lead to the spatial variation of soil salinity in irrigated area were also discussed. The results can provide a scientific basis for the control and improvement of soil salinization in arid areas. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) the statistical analysis and normal distribution test show that the salt content of surface soil is distributed from logarithmic normal to 15 cm). It has strong variability, the underground water table buried depth is from the standard normal distribution, belongs to the medium variation level. According to the principle of geostatistics, the distribution of the measured data of groundwater salinity in Hetao Irrigation area is in accordance with the standard normal distribution. The semivariance function analysis of groundwater mineralization in the basin shows that the gold coefficient of salt content in surface soil was obtained in April 2012 and July. The gold coefficient of underground water table buried deep block and the gold coefficient of underground water mineralization are 20 ~ 18% and 15%, respectively, which have strong spatial correlation, indicating that their spatial variation is influenced by regional factors, and the influence of regional structural factors is more prominent on spatial scale. The shallower the groundwater table is, the more salinization degree of the surface soil is, but there is no obvious correlation between the salinity degree of groundwater and the spatial variation trend of soil salt content. In time scale, the buried depth of groundwater table in July is lower than that in April. However, the salinized soil has a tendency of excessive salinization. With the variation of different seasons in the year, the area of salt water (5g / L) changes slowly, but is not affected by the seasonal change. Other types of water quality fluctuated obviously with the season. 4) the annual average salt intake in irrigation area was larger than that of salt discharge, and it was generally in a salt accumulation state. In the same planting years, under different land use patterns, Under the same land use pattern, the soil salt content is inversely proportional to the soil salt content, and with the increase of planting years, The soil salt accumulation of woodland is more obvious, and the distribution of salt in the profile of cultivated land and grassland is lower than that of the bottom layer. The spatial distribution of soil salt in Hetao irrigation area mainly depends on the spatial distribution of groundwater table depth, soil type and texture, land use type and crop type and irrigation process.
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